Progress Interval Report

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Revision as of 11:29, 5 June 2018 by Rduheaume (talk | contribs) (Selection Criteria Tab)
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The Progress Interval report uses templates and stages to report on. It offers reporting on how long things have taken and how many people are on particular stages. The report is broken down in to steps:

  • Step 1 - Selection Criteria, which Projects and templates.
  • Step 2 - The type of report to run.
  • Step 3 - The Report

Step 1 - Report Criteria

Selection Criteria Tab

Before continuing it is important that check that the working days have been calculated for the period you are reporting. They Earliest and Latest dates must be prior to the start date and after the end date. If there are no dates then click on the Update Working Days link, as you will not be able to continue to Step 2.

On the Selection Criteria tab complete the following:

  • Start Date - Start date of the reporting period.
  • End Date - End date of the reporting period.
  • Project - Which projects you wish to report on, hold down the CTRL key to select multiple.
  • Progress Template - Which templates you wish to report on, hold down the CTRL key to select multiple.
  • Exclude Records That Have Been Terminated? - Specify if you wish to include/exclude people/organisations that have been terminated from the project.
  • Active Progress Stages Only? - Specify to whether to include inactive template stages.

Branch Reporting Tab (requires Branch Module)

On this tab you can specify to report on records in;

  • All Branches
  • Selected Branches
  • Selected Branch Groups (views)

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