Unavailability Reasons

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"a screenshot of the unavailability reason button, highlighted in the admin menu."

Unavailability Reasons are used on records to display when the person is not available. It would be typical to add items like Holiday, Sickness & Training. Unavailability's are used mainly in the Roster Module and on the Calendar for Staff and Volunteers. You can then report on the unavailabilities by using this

UR 1.png

When adding a new reason or editing an existing one, there are some additional options for each unavailability. The "Reason" (name) and the "Active" fields are always required; the other three fields relate to the Export Payroll/Invoice Data function and the Holiday Pay function.

UR 2.png

Allow Hours Of Pay To Be Enterable For This Reason?

If this is set to "Yes", when a user enters an unavailability for a Support Worker, they will be prompted to enter the hours of pay that the worker is to receive for this unavailability. This is for use with unavailabilities such as holiday or sick pay, when the worker would still get paid for being away.

Does Time Spent On This Unavailability Count Towards Holiday Hour Entitlement Calculation?

If this is set to "Yes", the hours entered for the unavailability will increase the worker's holiday hours balance.

Is This A Reason Which Is To Be Deducted From Holiday Hours Balance?

If set to "Yes", the hours entered for the unavailability will be deducted from the holiday hours the worker has accrued.