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"a screenshot of the user log in history report button, highlighted in yellow."

The User Login History Report allows you to see when users have logged in to your system and when. You can filter by date, user, IP address, or a combination of these. Note, reportable data will only be displayed for the previous year.

"a screenshot of the user log in history report fields, including the fields listed below."

  • Start Date - The start date of the period you wish to report on.
  • End Date - The end date of the period you wish to report on.
  • Summary or Detailed Report?
    • Summary - Displays the User ID, User Name, Login Date & Number of Logins. Each login will be displayed on a line with a daily, weekly or monthly total.
    • Detailed - Displays the User ID, User Name, Login Date, Login Time and IP Address. This version does not total by daily, monthly or yearly.
  • If Summary: Daily, Weekly or Monthly? - Specify the subtotals to be used on the summary style report.
  • User Name - Select which user(s) to report on. Hold the CTRL button on the keyboard to select multiple.
  • IP Address - Specify a unique IP Address to filter from.
  • Order by User Name, Date or IP Address? - Select the required display order.

Summary - Daily

"a screenshot of the user log in history report, showing a daily summary. This lists the individual days of the week of the reporting period with a total number of logins for that day."

Summary - Weekly

"a screenshot of the user log in history report, showing a weekly summary. This lists the weeks of the reporting period with a total number of logins."

Summary - Monthly

"a screenshot of the user log in history report, showing a monthly summary. This lists the months of the reporting period with a total number of logins."


"a screenshot of the user log in history report, showing a detailed summary. This lists the dates and times of each individual log in."