Termination Screen

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"a screenshot of the clients personal details on the project termination page." "a screenshot of the project selection field on the project termination page." "a screenshot of the project termination reason and date field on the project termination page." "a screenshot of the remove from which clinic and close roster worker assignment fields on the project termination page."

Terminating from a project

Project termination is required when you need to know how many people are being supported by the Project (service). In the KPI report designer you are able to report on the number of people in a project or the number of terminations, irrespective of the number of referrals and if the referrals are open or closed. Termination Reasons are not why a referral/case has been closed as this is managed using simple outcomes. It is NOT possible to report on referrals seeing the termination reason as this is connected to a project record and is not related to the referral. If this is required per referral it is advised to use referral closure and simple outcomes instead, as you can enter this per referral.

Example for use:

You have a support group that offers group support to service users. Once the referral is received, an assessment is completed and then the service user is added to the group. Once the service user is in the support group the referral process is complete and the referral is closed. The person will remain in the project until they no longer require the support group.  When the service user leaves the support group they would then be terminated from the project.

Example when not used

A helpline offer general advice to people. Callers can call up at any point and can return to the helpline at any time. Normally monitoring would be for the number of people supported and the number of calls. Project termination would not really be used as once a person is terminated they may return and need to be re-added to the project. (un-terminated)

At the top of the page you will find the main contact details for the client, and the options to:

  • Active Client? - This allows you to make the record in-active after the termination.
  • Deceased - This allows you to mark the person as deceased.

You will then have the following options (depending on the referrals and project setup):

  • Terminate in which projects? - You can select which project(s) you wish to terminate. If the person/organisation is simply leaving the one project just leave that one selected. This will keep the person/organisation in the other projects.
  • Termination Date - Specify the date of the termination.
  • Reason - Select the Reason for the termination.
  • Notes - Enter any notes relating to the termination.
  • Remove Client from Clubs and Clinics? Select which Clubs /Clinics you wish to end the membership for. This will only show the relevant clubs/clinics linked to the project(s) selected.
  • Close Roster Assignments - Allows you to close Roster Plans as part of the termination. This option is only displayed if relevant.

To complete the termination click on the 'Save Details' button.

Undoing Project Termination

If a person or organisation returns to a project the termination can be removed.

It is important to note that when the termination is removed, any record of there previously having been a termination is also removed. If a historical record is required it is advised to use referral closure instead.

On the projects tab of the record click on the termination date for the project you wish to undo the termination for. Update the following fields:

  • Termination Date - Delete the date in this field.
  • Reason - Set the reason to None Given.
  • Notes - Delete the termination notes if required.

Click the 'Save Details' button to continue, you will the be displayed the following warning:

"A screenshot of the project termination warning message, explaining that un-doing the termination removes the closure."

Click 'OK' to continue removing the termination or 'Cancel' to go back.

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