Information Links

From Charitylog Manual
Revision as of 14:16, 20 August 2024 by Hburrowes (talk | contribs) (Accessing the Information Links feature)
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Information Links are a way of categorising the organisations on your system so that you can find an appropriate organisation to signpost someone to, even if you do not know the full list of organisations that are available.

Accessing the Information Links feature

Clicking on the "Information Links" item in the "Options" section of the Record a Contact screen will bring you to the Information Links lookup screen.

"a screenshot of the information links heading, on the right hand side of the record a contact page."

"a screenshot of the information links heading which has been dropped down, on the right hand side of the record a contact page."

You can now specify a main heading and a subheading to see which organisations might be suitable to signpost to. In the screenshot, a main category of "Building (Internal)" has been specified, and then a subheading of "Plumbers".

Info links2.PNG

Click on "Find Selected Organisations" to see the results of the heading/subheading that you have specified, along with extra functionality.

Info links3.PNG

You now have options to:

Add the names of the organisation(s) to the Record a Contact text

You would use this if you are giving out the details of the organisation(s) to a client.

Tick the boxes of the relevant organisations in the "Add to Record a Contact?" column:

Info links4.PNG

Then click the "Add to Contact" button.

Info links5.PNG

This will automatically write text in the "Details of Contact" box.

Print selected names and contact details

This feature, and the "Print All Names" feature, can be used to print a list for the client of the names and contact details of the matching organisations.

Tick the boxes of the relevant organisations in the "Include In Printed List?" column:

Info links6.PNG

Then click the "Print Selected" button.

Info links7.PNG

This will print a list of the contact details for these organisations, as an Information Report, which you can print or email to the client.

Info links8.PNG

Info Link Letters

As well as allowing you to print out a list for the client, the Information Links feature also allows you to print out a pre-formatted letter to the client. This means that you can print an Information Links list but with some pre-set text added, fields from the client record merged, and so on.

This requires you to set up a standard letter template for the purpose with the information field merged in - which will appear like this in the letter template;


You will then need to set this particular letter template as an Info Link Letter Type.

Once you have taken these two steps, you have the option of using the "One Step Find Selected, Set and Send" button before searching the information links.

Info link10.PNG

This will take you straight to the letter creation page with the relevant information merged into the letter content.

Info link11.PNG