Reporting on cancellations (Clubs and Clinics)

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One of the optional features of the Clubs And Clinics Module is that you can report on cancellations - where someone was booked to attend an occurrence, but was then removed from the attendance list (usually because they cancelled for some reason).

Note: if someone was expected to attend and didn't, but didn't cancel beforehand, that would usually be counted as a non-attendance rather than a cancellation. You can report on non-attendances separately - see Reporting on non-attendance (Clubs and Clinics).

If you want to report on cancellations, this feature uses the same list of reasons as non-attendances - see Non-Attendance Reasons.

"a screenshot of the 'Non attendance reasons' button, highlighted in the admin menu."

Setting up

To prepare your system to report on cancellations, you'll need to:

  1. set the "Record All Cancellations (Time of cancellation and reason)?" field, on the Club and Clinic Details - Occurrence Details tab to "Yes"

"a screenshot of the 'record all cancellations' button in the club and clinic set up."

  1. set up a list of Non-Attendance Reasons in the Clubs and Clinics > Set Up section

Data entry

The user will be prompted for information about cancellations whenever someone is removed from a slot in the attendance schedule of an incomplete meeting. For each attendee, there will be a field where the user inputting the data can say what the cancellation reason was. They can also input the time that the cancellation happened.

Reporting Output

Information entered about cancellations will be output on the Club or Clinic Cancellations Report, as well as being available in the KPI Report Designer.