Handyperson Job Types

From Charitylog Manual
Revision as of 12:44, 2 September 2024 by Hburrowes (talk | contribs)
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"a screenshot of the handyperson job types button, highlighted in the admin menu."

When using the HP module, a HP referral is created. This referral is also the overall job. The overall job can be broken down into multiple Job Cards. Each Job Card would be carried out by a HP worker, however the worker may do multiple job types on that Job Card.

In short, the referral can be classified by the type of job, and each piece of work carried out can be classified. This will then give statistics like number of Jobs Types done by the referral job type.


List of Job Types

Bathroom Work
Kitchen Work
Garden Work
Fitted Bath
Fitted Shower
Fitted Cooker
Fitted Washing Machine
Cut Grass
Cut Hedges

When reported on

Bathroom Work (recorded on the HP referral)
 Fitted Bath (recorded on the Job Card)
 Fitted Shower (recorded on the Job Card)
Kitchen Work (recorded on the HP referral)
 Fitted Cooker (recorded on the Job Card)
 Fitted Washing Machine (recorded on the Job Card)
Garden Work (recorded on the HP referral)
 Cut Grass (recorded on the Job Card)
 Cut Hedges (recorded on the Job Card)

"a screenshot of the handyperson job types list."

To add a new Job Type click on the "Enter New Job Type" button. Enter the following information;

  • Job Name - The description of the Job Type
  • Cost - The cost associated with this task/job
  • Client Price - The price charged to the client for this task/job
  • Reporting Group - The job types can be reported on in groups by giving multiple types the same reporting code.

Click on the "Save Details" button to add the job type.

To edit an existing Job Type, simply click on it's name.