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10) Then click ‘Show Chart’
10) Then click ‘Show Chart’

Revision as of 15:52, 6 April 2021

Importing Outcome Stars

You may have purchased a licence to allow Charitylog users to record Outcome Stars on your system. If so, there is a process that needs to be undertaken to import these.

Once we have received authorisation to switch the Outcome Stars on and have confirmed the import, you will need to follow these steps to complete the setup.

1) Go to ‘Cog’ – ‘Outcomes and Assessments’ – ‘Outcome Groups’ (Or type in search ‘Outcome Groups’)

2) Select the button which says ‘Import Star Outcome'.

File:Outcome group.PNG

3) Select Star Outcome from the dropdown selection.

File:Star Outcome.PNG

4) Then ‘Import Star Outcome’

File:Import Star Outcome.PNG

5) Go into individual user record via ‘Cog – user access – users – then select which user’

6) Under the ‘Navigation’ section within ‘General user details’ set ‘Outcome Star user?’ to ‘Yes’

File:Outcome Start User.PNG

7) Link to the project within project setup. ‘cog – projects and cases – project setup’ or search ‘project setup’, select your project. Go to the ‘additional data collection’ tab. Then click ‘Save and edit additional data collection’

File:Project setup.PNG

File:Additional Data collection.PNG

8) Set the ‘used in project’ to ‘yes’ and ‘One or Many assessments Allowed?’ to ‘Multiple outcomes allowed’ Then ‘Save and Close’.

File:Used in project.PNG

9) Go to Client’s record. Then ‘create new referral/case’ Complete any mandatory fields required. Then ‘save and go to... Ladder Outcomes’.

File:Create new referral.PNG

File:Save and go.PNG

10) Then click ‘Show Chart’

File:Show Chart.PNG