Difference between revisions of "VAT Codes"

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'''VAT Code''' -  This is the standard VAT code letter.
'''VAT Code''' -  This is the standard VAT code letter.

Revision as of 16:02, 18 January 2018

Helpheader small.png

File:Menu vat.PNG

Charitylog by default will have three VAT codes already setup Exempt (E), Standard (S), and Zero Rated (Z).

File:Inv vat.PNG

You can edit these codes by clicking on the code letter, or add additional codes by clicking the 'Create New VAT Code' button.

File:Inv vatedit.PNG

VAT Code - This is the standard VAT code letter.

Description - The description (full name) of the VAT code.

VAT Code in Accounts - Used if your accounts package uses different codes.

Is This VAT Rate to be Added to the Price - This specifies if your charges include or exclude VAT. This is across the entire system.

Active VAT Code? - If set to 'Yes' then the code can be used.

Click the 'Save Details' button to submit the changes.