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#REDIRECT [[Clubs, Clinics & Groups]]
This overview chapter is part of the [[User Manual]].
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===Background to Clubs & Clinics===
Charitylog's Clubs And Clinics module started as an add-on module to the standard Charitylog system, but it has proved so useful that it is now provided as part of Charitylog's "core". It provides functionality to run (broadly speaking) two common scenarios for Third Sector organisations:
* A regularly occurring group, where everyone attends at once and people may attend on a regular basis (like an IT group, walk club, or similar) which we call '''Clubs'''.
* A regularly scheduled session where people attend in timed appointment slots (a nail cutting service or counselling appointments, for example), which we call '''Clinics'''.
Clubs and Clinics can both be run in the same way, or optionally, there is a Wizard to speed up the process of running Clubs (though the Wizard is not suited to Clinics).
===Further information===
This chapter deals with basic setup of a Club/Clinic, adding clients to Clubs & Clinics, running the Clubs & Clinics and some associated useful functionality like transport lists. More advanced topics are to be found in the [[Clubs and Clinics Module (Administrator guide)]]. In particular, the Administrator guide has more information on:
* Advanced setup of Clubs and Clinics
* Adding Extension Databases to Clubs/Clinics
* Invoicing for Club/Clinic attendance in conjunction with the Accounts module
* Club & Clinic reporting
==Setting up a Club/Clinic==
Most of the Clubs & Clinics module is to be found in the "Clubs and Clinics" submenu.
Clicking on the "Clubs/Clinics/Groups" menu item will take you to a screen displaying all of the Clubs and Clinics that are active on your system.
* If you would like to create a new Club/Clinic, you can use the "Enter New Clinic" button;
* If you want to view the details of an existing Club/Clinic, click on its name.
From the screen which will be displayed, you can:
* Enter general details of the clinic: address and cancellation phone number, etc.
* Define how the clinic is to run: how often it runs, maximum capacity, who’s in charge, etc.
* List additional activities/costs: attendance fees, lunches, certificates for courses, etc.
The Clinic record has 6 tabs: General Details, Membership Details, Meetings, Members, Waiting  Lists and Clinic Diary. To set up a new clinic you only need the General Details and Membership Details tabs.
'''General Details Tab'''
The General tab records the background details of the clinic:-
* A place name and address where it occurs, along with contact details.
* The project the clinic is associated with.
* Whether it is still Active and at Date of Termination if it has been finished.
* The usual staff member or volunteer who presides over it. For a more detailed record of all staff and volunteers involved, use the link at the bottom of this tab labelled “Staff and Volunteer Involvement”.
* The day of the week when it usually occurs – this can be left as ‘Not Applicable’ if it does not happen on a predetermined day of the week.
* The Interval Between Events – this the period of time governing the occurrences of the clinic – it can be:-
* ''Not Applicable – it does not happen with any regularity''
* ''Days – there are a fixed number of days between meetings''
* ''Weeks – there are a fixed number of weeks between meetings''
* ''Months – there are a fixed number of months between meetings''
* ''Years – there are a fixed number of years between meetings''
* Number of Days/Weeks between Occurrences – this is how long the gap is between each occurrence. For example, if it is weekly and the Interval (above) has been selected as Weeks, the entry here would be 1. If the Interval had been entered as Days, then the entry here would be 7. It is used to calculate the next occurrences of the clinic when creating future meetings. Note that although the field is titled “Number of Days/Weeks”, the number in this field uses whatever interval is set in the field above, even if it's “Months” or “Years”.
* Bring Forward Client Attendances – if this is set to ‘Yes’, the program will automatically use the other rules on this page to bring forward client attendances from a previous club or clinic.
* Gap Between Client Attendance – this shows how often a client would present themselves at an occurrence of the clinic. For example, at a weekly nail cutting clinic, they may only attend every 6 weeks, so the entry here would be 6. If they come every time the event occurs, the entry would be 1. If a ‘0’ is entered it will be treated as a ‘1’.
* Start Time and End Time – define the start and end times of the clinic. The end time would be the end of the final appointment if there are several fixed timeslots for clients in the clinic. Obviously, if everyone attends together, as in a Lunch Club, the end time is not determined by the number of people appearing.
* How Long For Each Appointment – this is the time allowed for each client, where each one has a fixed timeslot. This is used to help create the appointments on the clinic. Again, if everyone comes at the same time, this is irrelevant and is left as 0.
* Record How Long The Client Spends Here?:- Set to '''Yes''' if you want to report on the amount of time clients spend at a clinic, rather than just whether they attended or not. Set to '''No''' if you only want to report on the number of attendances.
* Record Anonymous Attendees? This is useful for drop-in type clinics, where you may not have a Charitylog client record for everybody attending. If this is set to No, only clients who have a client record and are on the clinic membership list can attend.
'''Membership Details Tab'''
The Membership Details tab is used to record:-
* The client charge for each occurrence of the clinic
* Any additional items that may be provided, like lunches or certificates. Each item may be free (No Payment Necessary), a One Off Payment or a Payment Due At Each Attendance.
There are 2 other lists you may wish to populate, which can be found in the “Setup” sub-menu of the “Clubs and Clinics” menu:
* Non-Attendance Reasons
* Transport Methods
'''Non-Attendance Reasons'''
These are the reasons why your clients may book, but fail to attend a clinic -  for example sickness, transport problems, etc. This is optional, but can be very useful for identifying trends. Select “Non-Attendance Reasons” from the menu bar (found in “Clubs and Clinics” > “Setup” > “Non-Attendance Reasons”). Click the New Reason button and the following page will appear:-
Note that you can choose whether or not to Highlight Reason in Report. For instance, you may have five possible Non-Attendance Reasons, but your funders only wish to know how many clients have not attended for two of those reasons. If the reason is highlighted, give it an abbreviated Reporting Reason Code. This helps prevent the report which uses these codes from becoming too wide when you print it.
'''Transport Methods'''
You can record as many transport methods as you like for your reporting purposes, but the most common one is bus/minibus so that you can produce a list of clients for the driver to pick up. Select “Transport Methods” from the menu bar (“Clubs and Clinics” > “Setup” > “Transport Methods”). Click the “New Method” button and the following page will appear:-
Note that we’ve selected 'Yes' for 'Include in Transport List?'. This means that we will be able to print a list of all the clients who use this transport method. We would select 'No' for transport methods such as “Walking” or “Uses own transport” etc.
=Create Occurrences=
=Confirm Occurrences=
=Planned Occurrences=
=Complete Occurrences=
=Cancel Occurrences=
=Client Memberships=
=Club & Clinic Reports=
=Set Up=

Latest revision as of 08:40, 24 July 2018