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NB, if the carer relationship is specified, the "standard" relationship must be specified as well, i.e. this is not valid:
If the carer relationship is specified, the "standard" relationship must be specified as well, i.e. this is not valid:

Latest revision as of 10:12, 2 August 2024

Go to API overview

Creating Relationships

Relationships are created by passing the id numbers of the 2 people in the URL. An example call to create a relatiionship between person 37 and person 59 would look like:

[PUT] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/relationship_details/37/59

In the body, these keys are required:

relation_first_to_second the id of the relationship between the first person and the second person.

There are also optional keys

major a Y or N for whether the relationship is a major relationship.
send_one_letter_to_both a Y or N indicating whether or not to send a single letter if both people are included in a mail merge.
joint_address how to address both people together if send_one_letter_to_both is set to Y.
       "relation_first_to_second": "6",
       "relation_second_to_first": "5",
       "major": "Y",
       "send_one_letter_to_both": "Y",
       "joint_address": "Mr and Mrs Smith"

To get a list of relationships, use the dictionary:

[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/dictionary/relationships

Carer relationships can be created in the same way:

       "relation_first_to_second": "6",
       "relation_second_to_first": "5",
       "carer_relation_first_to_second": "1",
       "carer_relation_second_to_first": "2",

If the carer relationship is specified, the "standard" relationship must be specified as well, i.e. this is not valid:

       "carer_relation_first_to_second": "1",
       "carer_relation_second_to_first": "2",

To get a list of carer relationships, use the dictionary:

[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/dictionary/carer_relationships

Getting relationships

Relationships can be selected along with other clients fields, like this:

[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clients/id/37/field/postcode;email;relationship_details