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The usual way to add clients to the membership of a Club or Clinic is to add them whilst also recording a contact with them, as described in the [[Clubs_And_Clinics_Module#Adding_members_as_part_of_.22Record_a_Contact.22_.28the_usual_method.29|Clubs and Clinics User Guide]]. However, you can also add clients to memberships of Clubs/Clinics without recording a contact. This should only be used when the client is to be added to member lists but there has been no contact with them. Most commonly, this happens when existing clients are being entered to Charitylog in bulk, when you purchase a new system.
At the bottom of the "Client Details" screen is a "Club & Clinic Membership" link.
At the bottom of the "Client Details" screen is a "Club & Clinic Membership" link.

Revision as of 16:32, 3 December 2013

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The usual way to add clients to the membership of a Club or Clinic is to add them whilst also recording a contact with them, as described in the Clubs and Clinics User Guide. However, you can also add clients to memberships of Clubs/Clinics without recording a contact. This should only be used when the client is to be added to member lists but there has been no contact with them. Most commonly, this happens when existing clients are being entered to Charitylog in bulk, when you purchase a new system.

At the bottom of the "Client Details" screen is a "Club & Clinic Membership" link.

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Clicking this link will show you the client's memberships, and all of the other clubs and clinics on the system. You can add the client to any or all of the clubs/clinics, and edit the details of active memberships.

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  • To give the client membership of a Club/Clinic, use the "Add" link.
  • To edit an existing membership, use the "Update" link.

This screen is independent of Projects, so you can add the client to several memberships at once, even across several Projects. However, don't forget to record contacts with the clients if any have taken place - for reporting purposes, you need to get credit for all the contacts that have been done.

You can also access this screen from the "Client Memberships" menu item, and searching for the client in question.

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