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(Adding members directly from the Client Details screen)
(Adding members directly from the Client Details screen)
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===Adding members directly from the Client Details screen===
===Adding members directly from the Client Details screen===
At the bottom of the "Client Details" screen is a "Club & Clinic Membership" link.
At the bottom of the "Client Details" screen is a "Club & Clinic Membership" link.

Revision as of 10:31, 30 September 2014

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Background to Clubs & Clinics

Charitylog's Clubs And Clinics module is provided as part of Charitylog's core functionality. It helps users with two common scenarios for Third Sector organisations:

  1. A regularly occurring group, where everyone attends at once and people may attend on a regular basis (like an IT group, walk club, or similar) which we call Clubs.
  2. A regularly scheduled session where people attend in timed appointment slots (a nail cutting service or counselling appointments, for example), which we call Clinics.

Clubs and Clinics can both be run in the same way, or optionally, there is a Wizard to speed up the process of running Clubs (though the Wizard is not suited to Clinics).

Viewing details of Clubs and Clinics

To see Clubs/Clinics that are already set up on your system, open the "Clubs and Clinics" submenu, then click on the "Clubs/Clinics/Groups" menu item.

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This will list the clubs that are currently set up. For a new system, this page may be blank. You can create new Clubs/Clinics by clicking on the "Enter New Clinic" button.


Further information

This chapter deals with basic setup of a Club/Clinic, adding clients to Clubs & Clinics, running the Clubs & Clinics and some associated useful functionality like transport lists. More advanced topics are to be found in the Clubs And Clinics Module (Administrator guide). In particular, the Administrator guide has more information on:

  • Advanced setup of Clubs and Clinics
  • Adding Extension Databases to Clubs/Clinics
  • Invoicing for Club/Clinic attendance in conjunction with the Accounts module
  • Club & Clinic reporting

Adding members

Clubs and Clinics are based on the idea of membership. A client can be a member of any number of clubs or clinics, and only clients that are members can attend a club/clinic. Therefore the first thing to do is to add people to the membership lists. There are two ways this can be done;

Adding members as part of "Record a Contact" (the usual method)

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This is the most common way to add members to a Club or Clinic - you add the client to the club membership at the same time as you record the contact that you had with them which prompted you to make them a member. It could be a simple phone call from the client requesting membership, or a referral in from another organisation recommending them. Whatever the scenario, when recording a contact with the client, you will see the following in the "Options" section on the right of the "Record a Contact" screen;

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Clicking on the "Add To Club/Group/Clinic Membership" heading will display a list of the available clubs and clinics, with a tick box to add the client.

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Note that at this point, you have already chosen the project for which you wish to record the contact, and so the system is only showing the clubs/clinics which are within that project. If you need to add them to a different project's club/clinic, you will need to record a separate contact within the other project, or add them from the Client Details screen (below).

Placing a tick in one of the club/clinic boxes will automatically place some text in the "Details of Contact" text box, to record in the client's history that they have been added.

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Adding members directly from the Client Details screen


At the bottom of the "Client Details" screen is a "Club & Clinic Membership" link.

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Clicking this link will show you the client's memberships, and all of the other clubs and clinics on the system. You can add the client to any or all of the clubs/clinics, and edit the details of active memberships.

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  • To give the client membership of a Club/Clinic, use the "Add" link.
  • To edit an existing membership, use the "Update" link.

This screen is independent of Projects, so you can add the client to several memberships at once, even across several Projects.

Club/Clinic Process

This flowchart shows the process of running Clubs and Clinics.


Creating Occurrences

Once the club/clinic has been created, and some members added, you are ready to set up some occurrences. Open the list of active Clubs/Clinics (by clicking the Clubs/Clinics/Groups menu item in the Clubs and Clinics submenu), then select the Club/Clinic you want to work with.

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Now click on the "Future Meetings" tab. This will display any future occurrences (that is, occurrences which have already been confirmed).

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In the bottom half of the "Future Meetings" section you will find the facility to create more meetings in the future. There are two options:

  • "Create Next Occurrence", which is the system's guess at the next occurrence, based on the day the club runs on and the date of the last occurrence;
  • "Create More New Future Occurrences", which will allow you to create several occurrences into the future in one go.


Clicking "Create Next Occurrence" will make the occurrence appear in the area above (i.e. in the area displaying future meetings waiting for confirmation). The screen will now update to show the next occurrence after the one you have just created. If you like, you can simply click this button repeatedly to create as many occurrences as you need.

If you want to create more than one occurrence in one go, and/or the next assumed date shown by the system is not correct, you can create occurrences by clicking the "Create More New Future Occurrences" button.

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Click here for details of how to do this.

Confirming Occurrences

The next step is to confirm the occurrences. This is where you tell the system that the occurrences are going to happen, and at this point you can also say who will attend. Open the list of active Clubs/Clinics (by clicking the Clubs/Clinics/Groups menu item in the Clubs and Clinics submenu), then select the Club/Clinic you want to work with.

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Pick the appropriate occurrence and click "Confirm".

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You will be shown a screen which displays the available slots for members attending.

  • If this is a "Club" (i.e. everyone attends at the same time), the available slots will all be displayed with the same time.
  • If it is a "Clinic" (i.e. clients attend in managed time slots), the slots will be displayed with start times.
  • If the club/clinic is set to "bring forward client attendances", the system may copy the times people attended from the previous occurrence - but you can change the times if you need to.

You don't need to fill in all the slots now - you can empty them all, or only assign a few people at this point; whatever you need. Whether or not you fill in the attendance now largely depends on what sort of Club it is.

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All that you really need to do is to let the system know that this occurrence of the club/clinic is going to happen, which is done by clicking the "Save Details" button at the bottom of the screen.

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The occurrence is now confirmed.

Planned Occurrences

Now that the occurrence is confirmed, you can let the system know when it has actually happened - but before that there is plenty of useful functionality that you can make use of.

Functionality post-confirmation and pre-completion

Arranging client attendance

At any time, you can access the attendance lists for planned clubs and clinics by going to the "Future Meetings" tab for that Club/Clinic, and clicking "View/Edit" on the occurrence in question.

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Clicking this button will take you to the attendance page, where you can appoint the clients who will attend. You can edit the attendance at any point up until the club/clinic is recorded as complete on the system.

Rearrange the occurrence

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This button will allow you to change the date the club/clinic is due to happen on, and if necessary, reassign it to a different staff/volunteer. Note that by using this button, you can rearrange the occurrence to happen on a different day to that which it usually happens on, if you need to.

Print the attendance schedule

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This will print a summary sheet of who is due to attend and when, for the member of staff/volunteer to use at the club/clinic.

Print client signature sheets

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A simple sheet with the names of the clients due to attend, and a space for them to sign to confirm their attendance.

Extended signing in sheets

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Prints the full address of each client, with a space for signatures and payments.

Appointment cards

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Prints an appointment card for each client. These will print out as one card per page.

Transport lists

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Prints the relevant transport lists for the clients that are currently booked onto this occurrence.

Delete the occurrence

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This button will allow you to delete this occurrence of the club/clinic, if it has been entered in error or the occurrence has been cancelled.

Complete Occurrences

Once the Club/Clinic has actually happened, you can record the attendances. Click the "Complete" button on the occurrence in question, on the "Further Meetings" tab.

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You will then see a screen like this:

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You can now enter the details of who attended. Tick the boxes as appropriate to say whether they attended and whether they paid. There is also a field for voluntary donations to be entered.

When you are done, click "Save Details", and the completed occurrence will be saved.

Running Clubs and Clinics with the Wizard

The Wizard is a streamlined version of the process of running Clubs/Clinics. The advantage of the Wizard is that you can work with several Clubs at once - confirming attendance at several Clubs, and/or entering completed attendances and amounts paid for several Clubs at once. The Wizard is suited to Clubs, where everyone attends at once; the Wizard is not suited to Clinics. Additionally, the Wizard cannot create attendance records in the Client History; you must use the standard method above if you want to do this.

There are three steps in the Wizard process:

  1. Select the date you wish to work with
  2. Choose the Club/Clinic(s) you wish to work with, and print attendance sheets etc
  3. Enter attendances (if used before the occurrence, the Wizard will enter planned attendances; if used after the occurrence, you can enter completed attendances)

The Wizard can be entered from the list of Clubs/Clinics set up on your system, or from a Club/Clinic's Details screen.

  • If the Wizard is entered by clicking the button on the full list of Clubs/Clinics, you will enter step 1, and will be asked to enter a date, after which you will be shown all possible Clubs/Clinics that may run on that date.
  • If the Wizard is entered by clicking the "Launch Wizard" button at the bottom of a Club/Clinic's Details screen, you will be prompted for a date and then will be immediately shown the occurrence for that day (no facility to print attendance sheets etc).
  • If the Wizard is launched by clicking the "Goto Wizard" button on a particular occurrence, entry of a date will not be required and you will be taken directly to the attendance entry screen.

Using the Wizard from the main list of Clubs

Clicking on the "Clubs/Clinics/Groups" menu item will display all the Clubs and Clinics that are currently active on your system.

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You will see the following button at the top of the screen:

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Clicking the "Use Wizard" button will start the process. You will see the following:

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You need to tell the system the date that you want to work with. Depending on the day of the week that you have picked, the system will return the possible clubs.

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Tick the boxes for any or all clubs that you want to work with, then you have the following options across the bottom:

"Print attendance sheets" will open the following pop-up. You can select any options you wish to display on the attendance sheets, and then print them.

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"Print Transport Lists" opens another pop-up, where you can decide what options to display on the list for the minibus driver, taxi driver etc.

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Finally, "Enter Attendances" will allow you to enter who attended the club.

  • If you're using the wizard before the club has occurred, you may want to stop once you've printed the transport lists and registers, and then come back once the club/clinic has happened.
  • Alternatively, you can continue, and record the members as "confirmed to attend". You can then send a text message to each client to remind them of their arranged attendance time.

The Wizard now displays a single entry screen for all the clubs/clinics you are working with. As well as being able to enter attendances for several clubs at once, this screen also has the advantage that you can easily add people to the membership of clubs at this point. For example, if you use the Wizard to record attendance at two clubs which follow one another - say a bowling club and then a lunch club - it is very easy to record the fact that someone from the bowling club decided to stay for the lunch club too. Simply put a tick in both columns.

An example Wizard entry screen is displayed below - click on the screenshot to enlarge.


Once you have ticked the relevant boxes, either click "Save and Finish", or "Save and Send SMS For Confirmation". The latter button will take you to a screen where you can set up the SMS to be sent.

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  • If the client has a mobile number on their client record, this will be carried in.
  • If they have a landline, this can be carried in, but you must do it manually.
  • If they have no telephone number on their client record at all, a warning will be shown.

Using the Wizard from an individual Club Details page

On the Club/Clinic Details page for any club, there are two possible buttons which will run the Wizard. The first is found at the bottom of the Clinic Details screen, next to the "Save" buttons, and appears regardless of which tab you currently have open.

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When you click this button you will be prompted to enter a date:

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This needs to be a date on which the club will run. Once you have selected a date, you will be taken to the attendance entry screen for that days' occurrence (basically, this is step 3 of the Wizard, but only displays this particular Club, rather than several).

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As before, if the time that the occurrence starts has not yet passed, you will only be able to confirm attendances, and you will be able to send a text message (SMS) to clients for confirmation. If the start time has passed, you will not be able to send an SMS to clients, but you will be able to enter completed attendances.

The other button which can launch the Wizard is found on the "Future Meetings" tab - there is an option to "Goto Wizard" for each future occurrence.

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This will take you to the attendance entry screen again - there is no need to enter a date, as the Wizard has been launched from an occurrence which is already scheduled.

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Club & Clinic Calendars

Club & Clinic Calendars are a beta feature.

BETA PAGES are those that are presently under development, but may be missing certain features etc. Beta pages are a chance to get user feedback on a feature before it is fully completed. This allows users to have their suggestions taken on-board after using it for a while.

Clubs and Clinics can be viewed graphically, on a calendar. The main calendar is accessed by clicking "Calendars" on the left-hand menu, then "Open Calendar: All Clubs/Clinics/Groups".

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Individual calendars can also be opened from the "Launch Calendar" button at the bottom of the Club/Clinic's "Details" screen.

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These calendars have drag-and-drop functionality;

  • Confirmed occurrences can be rearranged
  • Attendees can be moved from one time slot to another.

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This concludes the Clubs And Clinics section.

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