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As before, if the time that the occurrence starts has not yet passed, you will only be able to confirm attendances, and you will be able to send a text message (SMS) to clients for confirmation. If the start time has passed, you will not be able to send an SMS to clients, but you will be able to enter completed attendances.
If the time that the occurrence starts has not yet passed, you will only be able to confirm attendances, and you will be able to send a text message (SMS) to clients for confirmation. If the start time has passed, you will not be able to send an SMS to clients, but you will be able to enter completed attendances.

Revision as of 12:59, 28 September 2015

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Location in standard build: Clubs and Clinics > Clubs/Clinics/Groups > click on club in question > click "Launch Wizard"

Or: Clubs and Clinics > Clubs/Clinics/Groups > click on club in question > click on "Future Meetings" > click "Launch Wizard"

Also available at: Clubs and Clinics > Clubs/Clinics/Groups > click "Use Wizard"

The Wizard is a streamlined interface for running Clubs. The Wizard can only be used for Clubs, where everyone attends at once; the Wizard is not suited to Clinics.

Why use the Wizard interface?

In some situations, the Wizard interface is quicker than using the full create/confirm/complete structure as described in the Clubs And Clinics Module section. This is usually why our customers use it. However, it's important to look at the pros and cons of using the Wizard when deciding if it will work for you or not.

Wizard: pros

  • The Wizard can speed up data entry, because using the Wizard does not require prior creation/confirmation of an occurrence of a Club - just enter the date and then enter the attendees.
  • The Wizard includes the ability to add people whose details are held on Charitylog to an occurrence without adding them as a member first (note that this will add them to the membership, it's just that the Wizard lets you do this without the person in question already being a member.

Wizard: cons

  • Because the Wizard does creation/confirmation/completion in one step, people are never "booked to attend" as such. This means the Wizard cannot measure non-attendance unless the data is entered very carefully by the user.
  • As a side-effect of the above, the Wizard is likely to add large numbers of meaningless non-attendances to reports about Club attendance.
  • Also, if the "save completed attendances into client history" option is being used, the Wizard may create Contacts in a client's History saying that they failed to attend a Club, even if in fact they were never booked to attend in the first place.

Wizard method 1: using the Wizard from the Club's Details screen

On the Club/Clinic Details page for any club, there are two possible buttons which will run the Wizard. The first is found at the bottom of the Clinic Details screen, next to the "Save" buttons, and appears regardless of which tab you currently have open.

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When you click this button you will be prompted to enter a date:

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This needs to be a date on which the club will run (that is, if the club is set to happen on Mondays, you will need to click a Monday). Once you have selected a date, you will be taken straight to the attendance entry screen for that days' occurrence.

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If the time that the occurrence starts has not yet passed, you will only be able to confirm attendances, and you will be able to send a text message (SMS) to clients for confirmation. If the start time has passed, you will not be able to send an SMS to clients, but you will be able to enter completed attendances.

The other button which can launch the Wizard is found on the "Future Meetings" tab - there is an option to "Goto Wizard" for each future occurrence.

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This will take you to the attendance entry screen again - there is no need to enter a date, as the Wizard has been launched from an occurrence which is already scheduled.

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Using the Wizard from the main list of Clubs

Clicking on the "Clubs/Clinics/Groups" menu item will display all the Clubs and Clinics that are currently active on your system.

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You will see the following button at the top of the screen:

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Clicking the "Use Wizard" button will start the process. You will see the following:

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You need to tell the system the date that you want to work with. Depending on the day of the week that you have picked, the system will return the possible clubs.

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Tick the boxes for any or all clubs that you want to work with, then you have the following options across the bottom:

"Print attendance sheets" will open the following pop-up. You can select any options you wish to display on the attendance sheets, and then print them.

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"Print Transport Lists" opens another pop-up, where you can decide what options to display on the list for the minibus driver, taxi driver etc.

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Finally, "Enter Attendances" will allow you to enter who attended the club.

  • If you're using the wizard before the club has occurred, you may want to stop once you've printed the transport lists and registers, and then come back once the club/clinic has happened.
  • Alternatively, you can continue, and record the members as "confirmed to attend". You can then send a text message to each client to remind them of their arranged attendance time.

The Wizard now displays a single entry screen for all the clubs/clinics you are working with. As well as being able to enter attendances for several clubs at once, this screen also has the advantage that you can easily add people to the membership of clubs at this point. For example, if you use the Wizard to record attendance at two clubs which follow one another - say a bowling club and then a lunch club - it is very easy to record the fact that someone from the bowling club decided to stay for the lunch club too. Simply put a tick in both columns.

An example Wizard entry screen is displayed below - click on the screenshot to enlarge.


Once you have ticked the relevant boxes, click "Save and Finish".

Sending SMS to attendees (requires TextAnywhere)

or "Save and Send SMS For Confirmation". The latter button will take you to a screen where you can set up the SMS to be sent.

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  • If the client has a mobile number on their client record, this will be carried in.
  • If they have a landline, this can be carried in, but you must do it manually.
  • If they have no telephone number on their client record at all, a warning will be shown.

Adding members from the Wizard

The Clubs and Clinics module has a "Wizard" which is a quick way of entering data about an occurrence of a group. The Wizard also has a feature for adding new members which can be used to "batch add" members. Note that anyone who is to be added needs to be set up as a Client on Charitylog first.

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Click on Clubs and Clinics > Clubs/Clinics/Groups. This will display a list of all the clubs/clinics which are set up on your system. Click on the name of the club/clinic you wish to add members to.

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At the bottom of the screen that appears, click "Launch Wizard".

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You will be prompted to enter a date for data entry. Ideally, use a date which has already happened, so that real data can be entered. If you do not have data but still want to add members all in one batch, pick a date several years in the past so that data entered here will not interfere with current reports.

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When the Wizard appears, click the "Add New Member" button as many times as you need slots to add people.

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Empty spaces will appear in the attendance list.

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Now type the surname of the client you wish to add to the membership. A lookup list will appear with matching clients on. Click on a client's name to select them.

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Fill in the "Attended" tick box for all the new members. Do not miss this step out! If you don't tick "attended" for everyone, anyone not ticked will not be added to the membership.

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Finally, click "Save and Finish" at the bottom of the screen.

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You can now click on the "Member Details" tab in the details of the club/clinic to make sure that the relevant people have been added to the membership, and edit their membership details if necessary.

Rob Kay - manual author (talk) 16:18, 25 September 2015 (BST)