Difference between revisions of "Club and Clinic Details - Completed Meetings tab"

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#REDIRECT [[Clubs/Clinics/Groups]]
The Completed Meetings tab shows occurrences of this club/clinic that have already been completed (the data about who attended has been entered).
The following information is shown about the completed occurrences:
* '''Date''' that the occurrence happened
* '''Staff/Volunteer''' that ran the occurrence
* '''Number of people that were expected'''
* '''Number of members that attended'''
* '''Number of anonymous people that attended''' (if the club/clinic allows anonymous attendees, which is set on the [[Club and Clinic Details - Occurrence Details tab|Occurrence Details tab]]
* '''Completed?'''
* '''Notes''' for this occurrence - the icon will display red if there are any notes saved for this occurrence
* Buttons as follows:
** '''View''' the list of people who attended
** '''Edit''' the list of people who attended
** Open the [[Clubs and Clinics Wizard|Wizard]] for this occurrence (as long as the club/clinic does not use timed appointment slots, in which case the button will be greyed out)
** '''Delete''' the occurrence (permanently deletes the information)
[[User:Rob Kay|Rob Kay - manual author]] ([[User talk:Rob Kay|talk]]) 13:05, 12 January 2016 (GMT)

Revision as of 09:16, 11 July 2018