Difference between revisions of "Club and Clinic Details - General Details tab"

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#REDIRECT [[Clubs/Clinics/Groups]]
The General Details tab holds basic information about a club or clinic.
Fields available are:
===Mandatory fields===
* '''Club/Clinic Name'''
* '''Project''' – the Project that this club/clinic is associated with. (When you report on clubs & clinics, you can select one or more projects for the report.) Note that if the Project is made inactive, Clubs and Clinics associated with it will still behave as normal, but when you come to run reports you will probably find that you can't filter by that report if it's inactive.
===Optional fields===
* '''Address''' – the location of meetings.
* '''Notes''' – this box is for general information, and isn't output on any report.
* '''Telephone number''' – a contact number for the meeting, usually the number of a co-ordinator.
* '''Cancellation telephone number''' – a number for people to ring to cancel.
* '''Fax number, email address''' – details for the meeting.
* '''Usual staff/volunteer''' – if appropriate, the person who runs the meetings.
* '''Still Active?''' – Whether this club/clinic is active. Unless you have good reason, don't change this to "No"; it will exclude the group and its data from some reports. Use "Date of Termination" below instead.
* '''Date of Termination''' – If the meetings have stopped, the date that this happened. Once this date is passed, the club/clinic won't appear on the main list of clubs/clinics, but will still appear in historical reports.
[[User:Rob Kay|Rob Kay - manual author]] ([[User talk:Rob Kay|talk]]) 12:55, 12 January 2016 (GMT)

Revision as of 09:10, 11 July 2018