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There are a range of tools that can be used for making API calls. Postman is a popular choice, see https://www.postman.com/
There are a range of tools that can be used for making API calls. Postman is a popular choice, see https://www.postman.com/
Create an environment so don't need to add the keys to the header of every call you make. If your tool lets you create the environment from JSON, copy and paste the code below and add your keys. Note that the host will be "https://api-staging.dizions.co.uk/v2" if you are using early release features.
Create an environment so don't need to add the keys to the header of every call you make. If your tool lets you create the environment from JSON, copy and paste the code below and add your keys. Note that the host will be "https<nowiki/>://api-staging.dizions.co.uk/v2" if you are using early release features.

Latest revision as of 11:01, 19 July 2024

Go to API overview

There are a range of tools that can be used for making API calls. Postman is a popular choice, see https://www.postman.com/ Create an environment so don't need to add the keys to the header of every call you make. If your tool lets you create the environment from JSON, copy and paste the code below and add your keys. Note that the host will be "https://api-staging.dizions.co.uk/v2" if you are using early release features.

	"host": "https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2",
	"source": YOUR_SOURCE_KEY,
	"org": YOUR_ORG_KEY,
	"user": YOUR_USER_KEY

Depending on the tool, you may have a 2 column table to enter keys and values instead. See API Authentication for more info.

Copy and paste the the code below into a text editor, and save with a .json extension. The file can then be imported into Postman.

	"info": {
		"_postman_id": "10bed371-4395-442e-9a66-6a780d834776",
		"name": "Sample calls",
		"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json"
	"item": [
			"name": "Getting Started",
			"item": [
					"name": "Get Business Configuration",
					"request": {
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [
								"key": "Source",
								"value": "{{source}}",
								"type": "default"
								"key": "Org",
								"value": "{{org}}",
								"type": "default"
								"key": "User",
								"value": "{{user}}",
								"type": "default"
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{host}}/business/configuration",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
					"response": []
			"name": "clients",
			"item": [
					"name": "Client by ID with default fields",
					"request": {
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [
								"key": "Org",
								"value": "{{org}}"
								"key": "Source",
								"value": "{{source}}"
								"key": "User",
								"value": "{{user}}"
								"key": "XDEBUG_SESSION",
								"value": "PHPSTORM"
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{host}}/clients/id/123",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
					"response": []
					"name": "Client by ID with specific fields",
					"request": {
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [
								"key": "Org",
								"value": "{{org}}"
								"key": "Source",
								"value": "{{source}}"
								"key": "User",
								"value": "{{user}}"
								"key": "XDEBUG_SESSION",
								"value": "PHPSTORM"
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{host}}/clients/id/123/field/name;id;living_arrangements;accommodation",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
					"response": []
			"name": "referrals",
			"item": [
					"name": "Referral by ID with default fields",
					"request": {
						"method": "GET",
						"header": [
								"key": "Source",
								"value": "{{source}}"
								"key": "Org",
								"value": "{{org}}"
								"key": "User",
								"value": "{{user}}"
								"key": "XDEBUG_SESSION",
								"value": "PHPSTORM"
						"url": {
							"raw": "{{host}}/referrals/id/1342",
							"protocol": "https",
							"host": [
							"path": [
					"response": []