Roster Plans
Roster Worker Plans are a key component to the rostering system. Plans are setup to specify the expected service a service user will have. This can range from one off visits, weekly visits or other scheduled visits. The plan will also specify the service being provided, charge rates (requires Invoice Module and the planned worker to provide the service. The plan is built up by multiple lines specifying different services, durations, frequency and worker. When a service being provided comes to an end the plan line is ended to prevent future visits.
Example: The client has a visit from Sarah every Monday at 10am and this is changing to Tuesday. The service on the Monday will cease (end) and a new plan line for Tuesday is created.
Searching for a Plan
At the top of the Roster Worker Plans page you will find the search section:
- Roster Worker/Staff/Manager - Filters based on a worker or manager.
- Own or All Users - This filters using the Manager field of the plan. When selecting own Clients only this will display the plans that you are a manager for.
- Project - Filters plans for the project selected.
- Client ID - Finds plans for a specific service user using the record ID.
- Client Forename or Surname - Searches using a service users forename or surname.
- Date to Start From - Searches from the specified date, based on the referral date.
- All, Assigned, Unassigned or Closed
- Assigned - A plan with at lest one activity (plan line) that has a worker assigned.
- Unassigned - A plan with at lest one activity (plan line) that has no worker assigned.
- Closed - A plan with all activities (plan lines) ended.
- List Order - The order the results will be displayed.
Click list again to update the results.
Detailed Search
- Diary Reference Number - This looks up a specific referral number.
- Roster Workers Schedule Reference Number - Enter the Support Plan ID to find that exact plan.
- Referral Date - Looks at a specific date for referrals.
- Client - Searches using a forename or surname.
- Client Postcode - Searches using a service user post code.
- Entered By - Searches by the user that created the plan.
- Description - Searches the referral text 'What was done'.
- Project - Looks at a specific project.
- Roster Workers Team - Searches plans for a specific worker.
- All, Assigned to Manager, Unassigned or Closed - Searches plans with or without a manager assigned.
- Order By - The display order of the results.
- Keep These Criteria? - Save the criteria for the next search, clears when you log out.
You will be display the results specified by the search criteria. Froom here you can look at the referral, service user record, assign team and/or a manager or create a plan.
Assigning a Manager
Click on the link under the Managed By column.
Creating or editing a plan
To create a support plan click on 'No' in the support plan done column, or to edit an existing plan click on 'Yes'. Each line on a plan is the schedule for the Rostering module and determins what jobs are created and if using the Call Round App what jobs are sent to the app.
At the top of the plan you:
- Assign a support team, this places the client in the team for allocation and reporting. This is a Deprecated Featureand is not required.
- Specify the number of hours per week, this is used for the Hours Used And Remaining report.
- Enter the Total Hours Agreed for the service, this is used for the Hours Used And Remaining report.
- Easily assign a manager from the list of Roster workers on the system.
To create a plan line (a service schedule) click on the plus icon . You will be presented with a new plan line to configure:
- Service - From the drop down select the service to be scheduled.
- Start Date - Enter the start date of this schedule. When confirming work this looks at the start and end dates of the plan line. If the schedule has not started a job will not be created.
- End Date - Enter the end date of this schedule. When confirming work this looks at the start and end dates of the plan line. If a schedule has ended then a job will not be created.
- Rate Selection - If you are using the Invoicing Module select the rate to be charged for the selected service.
- Interval - Select the relevant interval.
- Weekly - This will schedule the service to run each week based on the selected day and time.
- Daily - This will schedule the service to run each day on the selected time, this is Monday through to Sunday.
- Fortnightly - This will schedule the service every two weeks for the day and time specified.
- Once a Month - When selected you can choose a specific calendar day. If you select a day like 31st this does not occur every month, jobs will only be created in the months that have 31 days.
- Every Weekday - This will schedule a job Monday to Friday at the time specified.
- Every Weekend Day - This will schedule work for every Saturday and Sunday at the specified time.
- One Off Meeting - This will schedule a job for the selected date and time only, no further work will be scheduled.
- Every [X] Days - This is a flexible option that will schedule jobs at the specified period. This can be used for events like every 4 week etc.
- Every [X} Days (Excl Weekends) - This schedules jobs based on business days only, Monday to Friday.
- Day of Week/Date - This drop down will change depending on what is selected as the Interval. When selecting weekly or fortnightly for the interval you will have the option to select the required day or use matching. Matching will look at the workers availability for the period and allow you to select a worker, then a day and time that they are available, including the length of the visit. See below for the options available per interval:
- Weekly - Use Matching or select the required day (Monday to Sunday).
- Daily - Not relevant.
- Fortnightly - Use Matching or select the required day (Monday to Sunday).
- Once a Month - Displays the days 1 through to 31.
- Every Weekday - Not relevant.
- Every Weekend Day - Not relevant.
- One Off Meeting - Not relevant.
- Every [X] Days - Displays a list from days 1 through to 365.
- Every [X} Days (Excl Weekends) -Displays a list from days 1 through to 365.
- Start Time - Specify the required start time for the schedule. If using Matching this is done at a later stage. Enter a time in 24hr format, 09:30 or 14:30.
- Duration - Enter the required duration, using matching this is done on a later stage.
- Usual Support Worker - If you know the worker you wish to schedule type either their forename or surname and select them from the list, this does not check their availability.
- Find Icon
- This brings up the worker matching system, if Matching Prefs has been selected you will go to the matching wizard other wise you will be display the standard matching screen.
- Notes Icon
- Allows notes to be added to the plan line which is displayed on the jobs that get created.
- Copy Icon
- This is used to create a duplicate line, for quick editing.
To add a new plan line to schedule further visits click on the plus icon . The 'Save Details' button will save the changes and remain on the page, 'Save and Close' saves the changes and returns to the plan list and 'Close Without Saving' will lose any changes made and return to the plan list.
On the matching screen you will be presented a list of available workers based on availability and Matching Exclusions. In the list you will be displayed summary details of the workers, notes for the workers, number of existing assignments, time spent on assignments, number of previous visits with the current service user, distance to and duration. On the left you will find the 'Use' button, this will assign the worker to the plan line. Some workers may be highlighted as being possibly unavailable, this will be that they have been selected for the same time on another plan (without jobs being confirmed).
If you have selected Matching Prefs on the plan you will be prompted to select the time and duration when assigning a worker.
Matching Search Criteria
At the bottom of the matching screen you will find a search criteria screen that can be displayed by clicking the 'Click to Show' link. You will find a section to search for a worker based on name, contact details and which team etc they are in.
Click on the 'Update Search Results' to refresh the list of displayed workers.
Matching Exclusions and overrides
You are able to override the matching exclusions displayed when expanding the search criteria section.
If the client has any matching exclusions selected then they will be ticked as applicable, on which you can select to override. Click on the 'Update Search Results' to refresh the list of displayed workers.
Worker override
You can select to override the following options for the workers:
- Override "Already Booked Worker" Exclusion? - If they have work booked with another client you can choose to override this. If you select a person that has work already this will create a permanent overbooking.
- Override "Holidays/Unavailability" Exclusion? - This will display workers that have an unavailability at the start of the schedule.
- Override "Non-preferred Hours" Exclusion? - This will display workers with working hours outside the scheduled time.
- Override "Maximum" Hours? - This will display workers that have a restricted number of working hours.
Click on the 'Update Search Results' to refresh the list of displayed workers.