API clinics
Attendances are the planned and actual attendances at meetings. They can be retrieved, typically by filtering on project and date, using:
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/attendances/project/1/start/2024-12-01,2024-12-31/attended/Y
Note the /attended/Y filter. Non-attendances can be used using /attended/N.
You may also want to filter by the clinic, e.g. this will add a filter to only show attendances at clinics 3 and 7.
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/attendances/clinic/3;7
To select specific fields, add them after /field, e.g.
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/attendances/start/2024-12-01,2024-12-31/field/client;attended
To see a list of selectable fields, use:
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/attendances/selectable_fields
Clinics are the names of the groups, after-school clubs, day centres etc that your organisation runs. They can be retrieved using:
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clinics
You can also filter, typically by project:
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clinics/project_id/5
To select specific fields, add them after /fields:
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clinics/field/id;name;maximum_number_of_members
To see a list of selectable fields, use:
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clinics/selectable_fields
Typically you would use this list as a lookup list for attendances
"ticked": "Y", "paid": "Y", "treatment": 2, "amount_paid": "0.40"