NoK and Contacts
Location in standard build: Client Details screen > NoK and Contacts
The NoK (Next of Kin) and Contacts screen allows you to store details of people that are linked to someone who has a full record on your Charitylog system, but without having to create a full record for the next of kin/contact person. NoKs/Contacts can only be linked to one person on your system.
If your organisation works with/on behalf of someone, they should have a record of their own on Charitylog. The NoK and Contacts feature is only for people who don't need a full record of their own.
Clicking on the link will take you to a screen which displays any NoKs and Contacts for that person.
To see the details of each person, click on their name, or click "Add new NoK" to add a new one. This will take you to a screen where you can view/edit their full details.
Available fields
- Name - full name can be entered here (NoKs/Contacts only have one Name field, there is no separate Surname & Forename).
- Salutation - Fill in manually, or click the blue button to automatically create a salutation based on the entry in the Name field.
- Address fields
- Date of Birth
- Relationship to Client - driven by the Relationships drop-down list.
- Is a Keyholder/First Point of Contact (FPoC)/Emergency Contact (FPCE) - select as appropriate. These will be displayed on the previous screen, i.e. the one which displays all of the client's NoKs/Contacts.
- Telephone and Email Address
- General Details - a text box for any extra information
- Accounts Customer Code - if the NoK/Contact is to be invoiced for work done for the linked person
- Use as Alternate Invoice Address For - choose which framework the NoK/Contact is to be invoiced for.