NoK and Contacts
Client Details screen > NoK and Contacts
Accessed from a link on the bottom of the Client Details screen.
The NoK (Next of Kin) and Contacts screen allows you to store details of people that are linked to someone who has a full record on your Charitylog system, but without having to create a full record for the next of kin/contact person. NoKs/Contacts can only be linked to one person on your system.
If you work with the other person, they should have a record of their own on Charitylog. The NoK and Contacts feature is only for people who don't need a full record of their own.
Clicking on the link will take you to a screen which displays any NoKs and Contacts for that person.
To see the details of each person, click on their name, or click "Add new NoK" to add a new one. This will take you to a screen where you can view/edit their full details.
Available fields
- Name - full name can be entered here (NoKs/Contacts only have one Name field, there is no separate Surname & Forename).
- Salutation - Fill in manually, or click the blue button to automatically create a salutation based on the entry in the Name field.
- Address fields
- Date of Birth
- Relationship to Client - driven by the Relationships drop-down list.
- Is a Keyholder/First Point of Contact (FPoC)/Emergency Contact (FPCE) - select as appropriate. These will be displayed on the previous screen, i.e. the one which displays all of the client's NoKs/Contacts.
- Telephone and Email Address
- General Details - a text box for any extra information
- Accounts Customer Code - if the NoK/Contact is to be invoiced for work done for the linked person
- Use as Alternate Invoice Address For - choose which framework the NoK/Contact is to be invoiced for.