Referral Sources

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Location in standard build: Administration > Drop-Down Lists > Referral Sources

RefS 1.png

The list of Referral Sources appears (if the Project is set up to use it) when a user records the first Action for a client - that is, the start of the referral. The field which appears to the user is labelled "Where did the client hear about us?" (or, if you're recording an action against a different org/person Type, "where did the volunteer hear about us" etc.)

File:RefS 2.png

Setting up Referral Sources

Click on the menu item to see the Referral Sources currently set up on the system, if there are any. Click on "Create New Source" to create one, or click on the name of an existing one to edit it.

File:RefS 3.png

Examples of use

Referral Sources are entered at the very start of a referral, and cannot be easily changed afterwards. For this reason they are usually used for assessing marketing campaigns etc - perhaps with options of "leaflet", "event", "social media" and so on. You can then report on the sources of referrals and perhaps compare them with the type of work that was eventually done, perhaps captured with classification codes, in order to see if certain referral pathways result in a particular type of support being provided.