Talk:Customise Orgs & People

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Revision as of 13:40, 1 February 2024 by Dcole (talk | contribs)
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When in org mode:

- heading should be Add new Organisation type

- examples should be Youth Centre and Youth Centres

In person mode: - heading should be Add new Organisation type

- examples should be Youth Worker and Youth Workers

- "Organisation type name" should be "Function or responsibility"

- Pluralisation should happen automatically

Many users seem to think they only have to enter either singular or plural names for org types. There is no message to tell them this, and nothing to warn them why their new type has not been created when they save with only one entered.

customise orgs and people has two buttons titled "sections" both controlling different features. we should change the sections button in the left hand menu to read as "section headers" - DC