API Filters
If you want to filter your results, you can keep adding up to 10 key/value pairs to the URL. The value can usually take multiple values separated by a semi-colon.
The following fields can be used as filters in the /clients endpoint:
- accommodation
- active
- age_range
- blue_badge_holder
- consent
- county
- deceased
- district
- employment_status
- ethnicity
- external_id
- gender
- gp_name
- gp_surgery
- id
- main_disability
- main_language
- marital_status
- nhs_number
- people_in_household
- postcode
- preferred_communication_method
- registered_disabled
- religion
- school
- sexual_orientation
- social_services_number
- usual_support_worker
The example below would get all clients that have a religion (org_religion) ID of 1,3 or 10 and an ethnicity (org_ethnic_group) ID of 1.
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clients/religion/1;3;10/ethnicity/1
The following fields can be used as filters in the /referrals endpoint:
- additional_org_person
- client
- client_accommodation
- client_active
- client_age_range
- client_blue_badge_holder
- client_county
- client_district
- client_employment_status
- client_ethnicity
- client_external_id
- client_gender
- client_gp_name
- client_gp_surgery
- client_main_disability
- client_main_language
- client_marital_status
- client_nhs_number
- client_people_in_household
- client_postcode
- client_preferred_communication_method
- client_registered_disabled
- client_religion
- client_school
- client_sexual_orientation
- client_type
- contact_method
- contact_type
- date
- description
- funding_sponsor
- id
- introduction_source
- priority
- project
- project_active
- project_category
- project_name
- referral_complete
- referrer
- response_method
- stage
- template
- updated
The following fields can be used as filters in the /done_contacts endpoint:
- client
- client_accommodation
- client_active
- client_age_range
- client_blue_badge_holder
- client_county
- client_district
- client_employment_status
- client_ethnicity
- client_external_id
- client_gender
- client_gp_name
- client_gp_surgery
- client_main_disability
- client_main_language
- client_marital_status
- client_nhs_number
- client_people_in_household
- client_postcode
- client_preferred_communication_method
- client_registered_disabled
- client_religion
- client_school
- client_sexual_orientation
- client_type
- contact_method
- contact_type
- due_stage
- end_date
- funding_sponsor
- id
- introduction_source
- priority
- project
- project_active
- project_category
- project_name
- referral
- referral_complete
- referrer
- response_method
- stage
- template
- travel_mileage
- travel_time
- user
The example below would get completed actions for project ID 5, where the client was unemployed and registered disabled.
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/done_contacts/client_registered_disabled/Y/client_employment_status/N/project/5
You can also filter by the record ID (getting a single record), e.g.
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/referrals/id/510.
For referrals and clients you can filter by single record extension database value(s).
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/clients/website_photo_consent/109
For referrals, contacts and schedules you can restrict the results to a date range.
[GET] https://api.dizions.co.uk/v2/referrals/date_active/2018-10-01,2018-10-31