Groups and Skills Report

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"a screenshot of the groups and skills report button, highlighted in the reports menu."

Groups and Skills are a useful and versatile system to add people and organisations to multiple categories. It can be used to add, interests to Service Users, Skill sets and job roles to staff and volunteers, memberships and other groupings.

File:Reports groupsskillscriteria.png

  • Start Date - This is the start of the required reporting period.
  • End Date - The end point of the reporting period.
  • Show Orgs/People with Memberships/Groups which - this option works in conjunction with the date fields above, and has options of:
    • Were active for the whole period - The date start date on the record needs to be prior to the start date of the reporting period and the end date recorded would be greater than the end date of the reporting period.
    • Were active for only part of the period - Either the start date or end would need to be between the two reporting period dates.
    • Were active for part or whole of the period - Include both the above two options.
    • Started and ended during the period - Both the recorded start date and end date would be between the two reporting period dates.
    • Started during the period - The recorded start date would be after the start date of the reporting period and before the end date of the reporting period.
    • Ended during the period - The recorded end date would be after the start date of the reporting period and before the end date of the reporting period.
  • Show Orgs/People who are - Filters on the Active field of the person's/organisations record.
  • Person/Organisation Category - Filters using Organisation and People Categories.
  • Record types This is a list of the record types used on your system. You can specify to either include or exclude each type on the report.
    • Include - include anyone with this Type unless later excluded
    • Exclude - exclude anyone with this Type, even if they were previously included by virtue of another Type that they have
    • Not Relevant - ignore. If you leave all of the Type options set to "Not Relevant", everyone will be included, regardless of Type.
  • List Order - The display order of the report.

Click the 'Display in browser' button to run the report or alternatively export to spreadsheet.

File:Reports groupsskillsrep.png

Click on the Icon bluefolder.PNG icon to go to the Blue Folder Lookup page.

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