This page will demonstrate the different ways you can use emails in your system.
Syncing User Accounts
In order for your user account on Charitylog to communicate with your Outlook account, you need to Sync your user account. Note you only need to do this once. To sync your account, click on your username and then click on Edit my Preferences, then click on Third Party Details. You will then see the Sign in with Microsoft button which will ensure you are signed on with your Microsoft credentials.
Sending Emails from Records
Using Template Emails
Email Inbox
Receiving Emails
Sending Email Confirmation for Appointments
First, you will need to set up a Template which will auto-populate with the client details and details of the Further Action. Click on the History page and locate the referral which has the Further Action on it. Click on the small red arrow to reveal the Compose Email button.
You will then see a list of all the email templates available. Choose the email confirmation template that you have previously configured. The email will now include details from the client record and details from the Further Action on that referral. Once you have sent the email, a copy of it will be saved automatically on the referral. It will also be stored on the Emails section of the client record.
Note that you can use this principle to send other templated emails that pertain to the referral.
You will be able to access any shared mailbox you can in Outlook. To add a shared mailbox, click on your username, then click on Edit my Preferences, then click on Third Party Details. Then, type the name of the mailbox and click the Pus symbol. The shared mailbox will now appear in your Charitylog Email Inbox.