Club and Clinic Details - Occurrence Details tab

From Charitylog Manual
Revision as of 13:37, 12 January 2016 by Rob Kay (talk | contribs)
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Helpheader small.png

The Occurrence Details tab holds information about the way meetings happen for this club/clinic. The combination of options you select on this tab will govern whether this meeting is to behave as a Club (where everyone attends at the same time) or a Clinic (where people attend in timed appointment slots).

  • Day Event Usually Occurs, Interval Between Events and Number of Days/Weeks Between Occurrences – these three fields tell the system how often the meetings are going to happen. Set as appropriate for your meeting. For example, if a clinic occurs every week, select 'Weeks' and put '1' into the Interval Between Events. If it occurs every 2 months, select 'Months' and put '2' into the Interval between Events.
  • Bring Forward Client Appointments – this field controls whether the system will assume that because someone attended the last meeting, they will be planning to attend the next one, and automatically carry them forward to the next meeting.
  • Gap Between Client Attendance - This represents the interval between each attendance by the client. The club or clinic may occur every week, but the client only presents themself every 8 weeks - in this case the Interval would be 8, being the gap between their attendances at the clinic or club. If they come every time the event occurs, enter a '1'.
  • Maximum Number of Members – this is the maximum number of people that can be on the membership list. If a user tries to add more people than this setting allows, the system will prevent them and explain why with a popup message.
  • Maximum number of attendees – this is the maximum number of people that can attend one occurrence of the club or clinic (note that the maximum number of members might be much higher than the maximum number of attendees).
  • Save Completed Attendances into Client History? – if set to “yes’”, the system will automatically insert a contact on the client’s History tab after they attend a meeting. Note that this will only work if the client is already active in the relevant Project.
  • Contact Method to use in History for Attendances – the contact method to be used on these automatically-created contacts. (taken from the drop-down list of contact methods set up on your system)
  • Contact Method to use in History for Non-attendances – the contact method to use if the client is due to attend, but does not.
  • Start and end times – the times that the club/meeting/session begins and ends.
  • How long for each appointment? – this is only relevant when running Clinics (where the people attend in timed slots). If set to anything except 0, timeslots will be created. (For example, if the start time is 1200, end time is 1400, and you enter 20 here, the system will create six 20 minute timeslots.)
  • Record how long the client spends there? – this can be used to manually enter how long the client has been at a meeting for. This is for reporting use only.
  • Allow Entry Of Anonymous Attendees? - Governs whether you can record anonymous people - people who have attended a session but are not clients on your Charitylog system.
  • Allow Entry Of Notes In Completion? – Governs whether or not you can enter notes beside a particular person’s attendance of a meeting (on completion of an occurrence).
  • Allow Entry of Non-Attendance Reasons? – Governs whether you can enter non-attendance reasons (on completion of an occurrence).
  • Hide Payment Column/Donation Column In Non-Wizard Attendance Entry? – these options allow you to remove the columns for payments and donations when you fill in whether people attended or not. You might choose to do this because you want to make the data entry screen simpler (if you don’t need this data).
  • Record All Cancellations (Time Of Cancellation And Reason)? – setting this to “yes” will prompt users to enter one of the non-attendance reasons when removing a client from the attendance list of a future meeting.

Breaks in the session

If you are running a Clinic, where timeslots for attendance are being used, you may want to insert breaks in the day. For example, you might run an all-day drop in from 0900 to 1600, in hour timeslots, but want to add a lunch break for whoever's running the session. Without a break, the timeslots for the day would look like this:

File:CCD 3.png

However, this break can be inserted so it shows on the booking screen and also the paperwork. On the "Occurrence Details" tab, click the "Enter New Break" button.

File:CCD 4.png

You can now enter:

  • the number of timeslots that come before the break. In this example, the timeslots are an hour long, and the session starts at 0900; so if we want to put the lunch break at 1200-1300, you need to enter 3 here as there are 3 sessions that will happen before the break (0900-1000, 1000-1100, and 1100-1200).
  • description of break
  • length of the break in minutes
  • whether this break is active or not

Then click "Save Details".

CCD 5.png

Now, the timeslots for the day look like this:

CCD 6.png

The 1200-1300 slot is now assigned as a lunch break, and attendees cannot be booked for it.

Rob Kay - manual author (talk) 12:56, 12 January 2016 (GMT)