Volunteer Timesheets

From Charitylog Manual
Revision as of 13:33, 31 August 2016 by Rob Kay (talk | contribs)
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Location in standard build: Job Card Details page > Click on "Enter New Timesheet Records" or click on an existing timesheet record

The Timesheet Details page is used to add timesheet records to Job Cards made using Simple Assignments. These timesheets are the basis of volunteer time reports.


There are three sections to the page:

  • Top section showing details of the job card
  • Bottom left section, where you can enter details of a new timesheet record to be added
  • Bottom right section, where existing timesheet records are shown

Adding a new timesheet record

Enter information in the bottom left section:

'Mandatory fields

  • Date - date the work was done
  • Description - free text; a description of the work that has been done
  • Start Time
  • End Time
  • Duration - this field will auto-calculate based on the start and end times entered

Optional fields

Then click "Save Details" to save the information and enter another timesheet record, or "Save and Close" to return to the Job Card Details screen.

Rob Kay - manual author (talk) 14:32, 31 August 2016 (BST)

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