Club and Clinic Details - Attendance Details tab

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Revision as of 12:46, 6 September 2016 by Rob Kay (talk | contribs)
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Location in standard build: Clubs and Clinics > Clubs/Clinics/Groups > Click on club/clinic in question > Click on "Attendance Details" tab

The Attendance Details tab (displayed on the Club & Clinic Details page) lets you set various options about things that happen each time someone attends this club/clinic. The way that you set the options depends on how complicated the meetings in question are.

Club/Clinic/Group Fee Due at Each Attendance

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This field lets you enter a fee which clients pay to attend. This will be displayed on the Completion screen (where users enter details of who attended a session), with the option to say whether the client paid or not.

Note: this charge is nothing to do with the Invoicing module. If you're using the Invoicing module, the charging is entirely driven by the Charge Rate set on the client's Member Details page.

Activities, Treatments and Requirements of Membership


Available Activities etc are set up on the Treatments And Activities page.

This section is multi purpose; it can be used to enter details of things that may happen at the session, items the client may purchase while they are there, treatments the client may receive, and so on. For example -

  • If the session has several activities available (e.g. an art class with painting, drawing, ceramics and knitting), these would be set up here.
  • If there are refreshments available which the client can choose to have at the session, these would be set up in this section - "cup of tea", "lunch" etc.
  • If there is a form that the client needs to fill in when they attend, this could be set up here too.

Each line in this section can have an associated cost, the option to show it as a tickable option when entering client attendances, whether the activity is exclusive or not, and a maximum number of clients who can take this option when they attend.

Note: as with the change for attendance above, the charges you set for Activities are not linked to the Invoicing module. If you're using the Invoicing module, the charging is entirely driven by the Charge Rate set on the client's Member Details page.

Text to print at the bottom of each attendance card

Text you set here will be printed on each Appointment Card.

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This will print on each appointment card as shown:

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Rob Kay - manual author (talk) 12:58, 6 September 2016 (BST)

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