Talk:Organisations and People

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Revision as of 15:39, 19 October 2023 by Apayne (talk | contribs)
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Active Field in org/people search, options are confusing to uses upon first viewing. active field options for search are as follows; yes, no, both active and inactive.

this should ether be

active, inactive, both active/inactive.


yes, not, both.

the first list makes more sense in context, and this only applies to the search field, active in record is readable in context. - DC

The "lookup" button always appears next to the postcode field, even if the organisation is not using Loqate, which can apparently be confusing for users. - JC

Field: initials the "initials" inconsistent in its function as it only validates with one letter from the first name so Dexter Cole would be populated with D. this is inconsistent for a few reasons namely its called "initials" which is pluralized implying it should populate with both initials (E.G. D C) from what i can see in the validation in system it is intended to only populate with the one letter automatically and then the user can correct this later on. if this is the intention it should be called "initial" by default.

Sticky table headings which stay at the top even after scrolling may make large tables more user friendly, as it can be quite awkward to use currently if tables contain many rows. For example some clients may have a large number of referrals, which can make the summary tab difficult to use as you have to keep scrolling up and down to see what the data in each column is for. -JC

In V982, large text size and 100% zoom means you only see one referral.

Equipment yellow lookup only searches by equipment name. This can be confusing when a organisation has equipment with the same name i.e 'google nest mini' and would like to be able to search by the serial number.