Update Replica Databases

From Charitylog Manual
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In order for users to practice working with Charitylog, without interfering with real data, you have access to a "training version" (including "test version" or "temp version"), which has its own login (usually the same pair of logins as your main system, but with the word "training", "test" or "temp", appended at the end of the organisation name and password). These versions can be updated from your main system at any time, so that users can practice on an up-to-date copy of your "real" system. If you are unable to login to your training/test/temp system, with your individual username and password, it is probably because the training system has an older password. Updating the Training system will add your current username and password.

You cannot update a main system from a replica database; backups can only be made from a main system to another database. This is to protect the live system. Ensure you read the details on the 'Update Replica Databases' as it contains important information.

On this page you will see the additional databases linked to your main system. Usually you will have one "training" database linked.


To update a replica database:

  1. Select which replica database you want to update
  2. Enter the security question
  3. Click "Update".

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