Client Deceased

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When you mark a client as "Deceased", you will be taken to a page titled "Client Deceased Record". This page will allow you to update various other settings that you may need to when the client is deceased, from one screen.

The screen has the following options:

  • Date of Death, Reason and Notes; record the date that the client died, the reason (this is a drop-down list which you can configure; see Termination Reasons for more information), and any notes for future reference.
  • Close all outstanding actions?; if there are outstanding actions awaiting completion for this client, this option will automatically close them.
  • Put End Date In For All Groups and Skills?; this option will automatically put an end date on every Group/Skill that the client has - the same date as the Date of Death you have entered above.

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  • To report on deceased clients via a data extraction, note that you will need to specify this using extra criteria.