Club and Clinic General Settings

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"a screenshot of the club and clinic general settings button, highlighted in the admin menu."

This page allows you to specify some parameters for the Club/Clinic/Group module.

"a screenshot of the club and clinic general settings fields, as listed below."

  • Show columns for the next attendance, last attendance and number of attendances missed on the Clinic Members tab? - This allows the columns to appear on the Club/Clinic/Group attendance pages. This feature is not recommended for large data sets as it can take a while to refresh the details.
  • Order of Appointments on Printed Transport List - This enables you to change the printed order of the transport list:
    • Surname - The attendee’s surname.
    • Post Code - By the attendees Post Code.
  • Show treatments on attendance sheets - This specifies how treatments and activities are added to attendance sheets on the Club/Clinic/Group future occurrences.
  • Treatment Charge Selection - You can specify how the Treatments and Activities are selected on occurrences.
    • Ticked Treatments are available to be recorded at each attendance - Treatments and activities are displayed but have no default.
    • Ticked Treatments are defaulted at each attendance but can be edited - This allows you to enable a default based on the previous appointment.
  • Format for names on Clubs & Clinics Appointments - This specifies how attendees are displayed in the drop down lists when managing occurrences.

Click the Save Details button to save any changes.