Print Record
From Charitylog Manual
The Print Record feature allows you to print individual details of any organisation/person on your system, and (optionally) details of work done with them.
[hide]Using Print Record
Access the feature by clicking the "Print Record" button.
This will take you to the screen shown:
The options you can choose are as follows:
- Personal Details Allows you to choose which fields from the personal details section you'd like to apply to the export.
- Show QR Code Provides you with a QR code which can be scanned when using Call Round.
- Include Dependants For Carer System Records If you use a Carer System, setting this option to yes will provide you with dependant information for the record you're exporting.
- Include orgs / people with a major relationship link to the client? Setting this to yes will include any related records where a major relationship link has been applied to the export.
- Show Referral History: choose whether you want to print out details of the activity on the client's History tab, and select relevant Projects (or all Projects) as appropriate.
- Include All or Selected Referrals? Choose to select specific referrals if you don't require all.
- Filter by Contact Date (leave blank for all) Filter the exported contacts by a specific time frame.
- Include Extension Database Records: choose which Extension Databases to display on the printout, if any.
- Include Risk Assessment If you've entered a risk assessment, ticking this box will include the risk assessment on the export.
- Include Contact And Consent Information If you've entered information on the 'GDPR' section, ticking this box will include the contact and consent options on the export.
- Group By Choose if you'd like to group the referral results by the contact date, or the referral date.
- Include Private Notes If you've entered information in the private notes section, ticking this box will include the private notes details. (Subject to access)
- Display/Print Layout Style Choose between A4 Landscape or A4 Potrait for the printed PDF export.
Here is an example printout.
Examples of use
Uses for the Print Record feature include:
- Printing a paper copy to take to an appointment with that client
- Providing case histories to funders
- Using individual client histories for audits
- A client makes a subject access request