System Setup Guide
[hide]- 1 Pre-Implementation Spreadsheet (not used for Members, local and single project system).
- 2 Implementation meetings and training (additional service for Members, local and single project system).
- 3 Set up and Administration Settings
- 3.1 Group Access (Not available on Local or Members systems)
- 3.2 System Details
- 3.3 Operational Rules (Not available on Local and Members systems)
- 3.4 3rd Party Software
- 3.5 Records and settings (This feature is restricted on Local and Members systems)
- 3.6 Field setup
- 3.7 General Settings (Some features not Available on Local and Members systems)
- 3.8 Configuring your Services (Some features not Available on Local and Members systems)
- 3.9 Users
- 3.10 Adding extra fields (Additional option for Local and Members System)
- 3.11 Other (Additional features for Members system)
The system is designed to be customisable for each organisation that uses it. Before you get going you will be provided a pre-implementation spreadsheet to complete, from this a system is created. This guide will talk you through the various steps that are needed to get your system set-up.
Pre-Implementation Spreadsheet (not used for Members, local and single project system).
The pre-implementation spreadsheet is used to save time on the first day of setting up your system. It contains pages to configure some of the basic dropdowns that you may use. If the dropdowns are not required then the options can be left blank. The lists that are created can be added to at a later date if required. Any thing that is not on the forms will be discussed with you Implementation Consultant on your setup days. Below is an explanation of each page of the spreadsheet.
Introduction The Introduction sheet give you details on how to complete the forms.
Organisation Details Enter the details of your organisation. The specified organisation name will be used to name your new system as well as will be used to generate log in details.
Ethnic Groups Ethnic groups are generally use for reporting outputs. Populate a list based on what your organisation requires across all services.
Age Groups Age groups or bands are used for calculating a person Date of Birth and as a reporting output. Age Ranges must not have any gaps or cross overs and start at 0, finishing at 999.
Religions If your organisations requires to support or report on religious groups then enter the name of each group you need.
Sexual Orientation In addition to the gender field on the system there is the option to record a persons sexual orientation.
Districts/Wards On the records is the option to place people/organisation into reporting areas. This list is to populate those areas. Examples being boroughs, counties, areas and districts.
Disabilities This is used for specifying a persons disability/ailment and can be used in reporting. An individual can have multiple.
Marital Status If required populate with the marital statuses that you use.
Relationships The system can link records together using relationships. Personal relationships can include relationships with keyworkers like Social Workers etc. When adding a relationship you need to think about the opposite match, example Husband & Wife, Support Worker & Supported Person.
Contact Methods This is for the physical contact methods that would be used, telephone, email, one to one etc. This is also used for preferred method of contact and transportation options.
Staff and Users It is very important that you included at least one system administrator, this person will also need to be at the Implementation Meetings for the setup of the system. You need to specify:
- Volunteer, Staff or Trustee - This will create a record to attach to the user.
- Surname and Forenames - This is used to populate a user record if require. The system will be setup to use the person first name and initial from the surname in lowercase, Jane Smith will be given a username of janes. If you have two people with the same names or first name and surname initial the same, the system will cater for this.
- Is a system user - Yes will create a record for the person as well as a user account, maybe and no will only create a person with no login access.
- User Group Names - The system is setup with 4 groups to start which can be changed at a later date. Do not rename the dropdown options or use something not in the drop down. Make sure you have at least one administrator.
- Email Address - Used for password recovery.
Accommodation Types This specifies the types of accommodations a person may live in; council house, social housing, private owned, private rented, HM Prison, care home, hostel, no fixed abode etc.
Living arrangements This is for how a person live at the accommodation,; lives alone, with partner, with parents, multiple occupancy cell.
Referral Sources Referral sources are 'How did you here about us' include things like Advert, website, web search etc.
Service User Group Service Users groups are a way of categorising your service users, used for Young Persons, Adults and Older person. Please note that a service user can only go in one category.
Status Statuses are commonly used on a carers system for things like, young carer, young adult care, adult carer, ex-carer and cared for. Can also be used for High need, medium need and low need.
Termination Reasons Termination reason are used when removing a service user from a project, specifying why a service is no longer required.
Referral Outcomes These simple outcomes are case closure outcome like case closed successful claim.
Organisations we signpost to Enter the names of organisations that you signpost to (and specify if you receive referrals from. This will create an organisation record for each. If you are having a data migration you could add the organisations to the migration with full contact details and not fill in this section.
Benefits You can add benefits and amounts if you assist your service uses in this area.
Gender Enter the genders that you work with, think about adding categories for gender re-assignment.
Contact Types Contact types are used to distinguish direct and indirect done for a service user.
Main Language Used to specify the main spoken language of your service users.
Implementation meetings and training (additional service for Members, local and single project system).
Once the system has been created you will be contacted by your Implementation Consultant to discuss moving forward. The implementation days are used to look at your organisation in details and set the system up accordingly. You will be shown every step that is required and run through the options available. This is an important step to getting set up and running and the full process will be planned by your designated consultant.
Full details of this will be sent via email.
Set up and Administration Settings
Before the system can be used there are some steps that need to be taken. In this section you will find guidance to what needs to be set up in relation to the core settings of the system.
Group Access (Not available on Local or Members systems)
It is worth familiarising yourself with the group access security and checking that the system administrators group has full access to the system. Before starting ensure that the System Administrator group has full access to all areas of the system. For further details see Group Access.
System Details
System details allow you to enter your organisation details with a section to add a message for users as they log in.
Operational Rules (Not available on Local and Members systems)
This is an important section that is not to be overlooked as it contains the overall security settings for accessing the system. Some of the other items may not seem relevant in the early days and you may find that you will revisit this area at a later stage.
3rd Party Software
Review the 3rd party software if you wish to use any of the optional systems. If you wish to use the email options within the system it is highly recommended that you use your organisations own email server. You may experience issues if you use our servers depending on the setup of your domain. If you have Spoofing Protection enabled most recipients will reject the email and send a message failure notification back to the system. If you do not have Spoofing Protection enabled most recipients will accept the email with a high chance of marking it as Junk Mail/Spam. When you use our system the email is sent on your behalf, using your specified email address, this method is now known as spoofing.
Records and settings (This feature is restricted on Local and Members systems)
Think about which record types you require, from Clients through to the organisations that you work with. With each of the record types you also need to think about which fields to include on these records. To customise the records see Customise Orgs & People.
Field setup
Once you have chosen which fields are going to be used you can the setup these fields.
General Settings (Some features not Available on Local and Members systems)
Configure the following general settings:
- Field Sets - A field Set is used to determine which fields are used by the various services in your organisation, these are made available to users via the projects.
- GDPR Settings - General GDPR settings.
- Consent Rule Text Entry - Setup for custom consent rules.
- Bank Holiday Dates - Some reports can report on working days and require the dates to be populated.
- Branch Groupings (Views) - Requires Branch Module - If on a branch system you can setup groups of branches.
- Branches/Offices - Requires Branch Module - The main setup for the branches on the system.
- Information Links Headings - Used for adding organisations to a directory of services.
- Publications - Use if you need to report on what publications you give away.
- Publication Categories - The types of publications that you have.
- Publication Languages - The languages of your publications.
- Supporting People Settings - Setting for the Supporting People Module
- Uploaded Doc. Categories - Categories for the types of files you upload to records.
Configuring your Services (Some features not Available on Local and Members systems)
Services are setup as projects in the system. One service may require one or more projects based around reporting requirements. You may also wish to consider have enquiry projects separate to the service provided. When it comes to reporting the enquiries will be reported separately to the projects that offer a set service. Example
You offer home support to people, a person calls to enquire about what options are available. If you record this in the Home Support project it would be reported that the person became part of the project and was supported in some way. If this was recorded in a General Enquiries project then it would not affect the statistics of the Home Support Service.
Set up the following:
- Project Funding Streams - This allows you to specify which funder would fund each contact made.
- Classification Codes - Reporting codes for contacts/work done.
- Project Set Up - The projects for your services.
- Project Subcategories - Subcategories for the projects
- Referral Templates - Workflows for the projects.
- Termination Reasons - Why people leave the service.
- Signpost/External Referral Types - Sub categories for signposts and external referrals.
- Referral Reasons - Why people are referred to you.
- Referral Sources - How your clients/service users heard of you.
- Contact Types - Direct and indirect categories for contacts.
- Contact Methods - How you communicate with people.
The next step is to determine the security groups that you need for your users. See Group Access for further details (Not available on Local, Members and Single Project systems). Once you have configured your required groups you can the setup the users and put them in the groups and specify which projects they work in. See Users for full details. Users
Adding extra fields (Additional option for Local and Members System)
From the fields that you have setup you may find that you require additional fields. These fields can be added to the tabs that you have configured or at the base of the record. The extension databases can be restricted by the Group Access groups setup. For further details see Extension Database Setup.
Other (Additional features for Members system)
From here you may wish to add Organisations and Referrers to the system, see: