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''Location in standard build:'' '''''Reports > Data Extraction/Mail Merge'''''
The Orgs & People Extract function is used to create definitions for reporting or as a data source for mail merging in another application, e.g. Microsoft Excel/Word. They can be used in 2 ways:
1) Directly from the Contact Management menu, for exporting people regardless of the kind of work you've done with them.
Data Extractions provide a way to export data about organisations/people stored on the system. You can choose:
2) Via a [https://wiki.dizions.co.uk/index.php/Blue_Folder_Lookup blue folder] in a report, for instance to extract everyone who's had a contact in a particular project.
* which types of organisation/person you want information about
For saved Extracts, you must set a set a Lawful basis for this to function. The June 2024 version made specifying a [https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/uk-gdpr-guidance-and-resources/lawful-basis/a-guide-to-lawful-basis/ lawful basis] compulsory for using this feature. An audit of the basis, e.g. consent or legitimate interests, may be logged against each person whose details are extracted.
* whether to filter these people (for example, only display people who live in a certain district)
* whether to output the data directly to a spreadsheet, or to a [[Blue Folder Lookup]]
The below video gives an overview of how they can be used.
=Running an Extract=
To run an existing extract, ensure the Lawful basis has been selected, then choose from either ''Send to Blue Folder'' or ''Extract to Spreadsheet''. You can always click on an extract to check or edit the options.
==Creating a Data Extraction which produces a spreadsheet==
Click on the menu item to see a list of the Data Extractions currently set up on your system, if there are any. Click "Create New Export" to create a new one.
=Creating a Orgs & People Extract=
To edit an existing definition, click on the name on the left or to create a new one click the 'Create New Orgs & People Extract' button.  On the following screen you will be able to configure:
==Branch Reporting Section (requires [[Modules| Branch Module]])==
===Choose who to extract===
In this section you can specify to report on records in;
*All Branches
*Selected Branches
*Selected Branch Groups (views)
Click on the "Who To Extract?" tab.
==Report Type Filters==
* '''Definition Name''' - If you are saving the extract it would make sense to give it a specific name so you can easily distinguish it from the others.
* '''Description''' -optional, but allows you to add a detailed description of the filters etc.
* '''Export Function''' - You can either send to [https://wiki.dizions.co.uk/index.php/Blue_Badge_Holder Blue Folder Look up] for additional options, or extract direct to Spreadsheet
* '''Spreadsheet Name''' - if you are exporting to spreadsheet, you can preset the name
* '''Field Set''' - This allows you to choose which [https://wiki.dizions.co.uk/index.php/Field_Sets fields] will be included in the extract. Note you must set up the field set first.
* '''Exclude anonymous and anonymised people/organisation records''' - will be set to Yes as a default. You could choose to include anonymous records for the extract.
* '''Export active people/organisation records''' - Will default to Yes, but you could decide to export inactive records also.
* '''Include this extract in mail-merge merge audit?''' - will default to Yes. but you could opt to not include in the mail merge audit. Especially if this extract is for reporting purposes and not mail merge.
* '''Apply contact preferences for emails?''' -
* '''Apply contact preferences for letters?''' -
* '''Lawful Basis''' - You will be required to specify the basis by which this extract is being run. You will need to choose from one of the following: Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Legitimate Interests, Public Task, Vital Interests. Lawful basis still needs to be applied as the extract may be used for mail merge and/or other communication systems.
You can now choose the different Types of organisations/people to show details for. For each Type, there are three choices:
==Consent Based Extracts==
# '''Include'''. If a Type is included, then details about any organisation/person with that Type will be shown on the output spreadsheet. For example, if you set "Include Clients?" to "Include", the output will show details about all the Clients.
If you choose ''Consent'' as the lawful basis, you will see the below option. You will then be required to specify which consent rule should apply. This means it will only extract records where there is a valid response to that consent rule. It will also ignore records where that [https://wiki.dizions.co.uk/index.php/Consent_Rules consent] has expired.
# '''Exclude'''. If a Type is excluded, they will not be shown, and this will override any includes. For example, if you set "Include Clients?" to "Include" and set "Include Volunteers" to "Exclude", the output will show details about all the Clients ''unless they are also Volunteers'', in which case their details will not be shown.
# '''Not Relevant'''. This setting simply means that that Type will not affect the output; organisations/people with only that Type will not be shown, but organisations/people with that Type as well as another one will not be excluded either.
==Who to Include/Exclude==
===Name and other basic details for the data extraction===
In this section you will find the list of People and Organisation types you are using on your system.  The names displayed are the ones specified in [[Customise Orgs & People]].  For each record type you can choose one of the following options:
Click on the "Selection Criteria" tab.
*'''Who to Include''' - This will include this record type when running the definition.
*'''Who to Exclude''' - This is to exclude a record type when running the definition.  If a person/organisation is set to more than one record type, the exclude will not use this record for the include.
You wish to send a mail out to staff and a second mail out to volunteers.  You do not want to send anyone two mail outs.  The staff mail out is only set to include staff, the second mail out would be set to include volunteers and exclude staff.  Anyone that is both a staff member and volunteer would only be included in the staff mail out.
==Organisation & People Filters==
You can now enter the following details:
'''Note: The Orgs & People Extract excludes deceased people by default.
* Definition Name
If you require to report on deceased clients, you will need to specify this using the Extra Criteria to set "Deceased = Y OR Deceased = N" '''
* Description - once you have set up a Data Extraction, you will be able to save it and then return to it and run it again by just clicking a "run" button. This description will be displayed on the list of Data Extractions, so it's helpful to put a quick description of what the data extraction will produce.
* Name for "Save As" - when the system produces a spreadsheet for you to download, this will be the name of the file (appended with the date and time that the file was created). If you do not enter anything, the file will be named "excel_output" followed by the date and time of creation.
* Destination - select "Export to Spreadsheet" (the other options will be covered later).
* Send letters or emails (based on 'preferred method of communication')? - only relevant for letter creation, not spreadsheets
* Suppress Letters When Client Requests It?  - setting this to "No" will override the field on the [[Contact and Consent Rules]] page.
<div class="toccolours mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:1024px">
===Step 1: Choose Selection Criteria===
'''Choosing Selection Criteria''' is optional - click "Expand" to show this section.
The extra criteria section allows you to add conditions (arguments/queries) to the records being exported.  These arguments/queries can include items, such as "only people in a certain location or a certain client type based on demographic data".  This section will display the number of arguments/queries setup in the criteria.
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
Click the "Choose Selection Criteria" button.
To add or edit the criteria click on the 'Add Extra Criteria' button.
The criteria page will always start with a line with the condition set to 'WHERE'.
* '''Condition''' - The first condition will always be set to where, this is the start of the argument/query.  You can add multiple lines to the argument/query using the following conditions:
** '''AND''' - This is in addition to the first line.  The system will find data based on the first line '''and''' the second line.
** '''OR''' - This will look at the first line to match data '''or''' match data based on the second line.
Example for AND
Looking for people in specific town that have any disability.
Where 'Town' = 'Town Name' AND 'Has Disability' = 'Yes'
Example for OR
Looking for people in two postcode areas, L1 and L2.
Where 'Postcode' text begins with 'L1 ' or 'Postcode' text begins with 'L2 '
* '''Field Name''' - This is a dropdown list of people/org fields that can be used.  If you select a field that is populated from a drop down menu you will be display a selection screen where you can select the required values (will imply 'or' for each option), this will populate the 'Selection Value' for you when you click the 'Save Details' button on the pop up screen.
* '''Selection Criteria''' - This is specify the argument/query that is to be used on that line:
** '''Equals (=)''' - The data in the selected field must equal the 'Selection Value'
** '''Not Equals (<>)''' - The data in the selected field must not equal the 'Selection Value'
** '''Greater Than (>)''' - The data in the selected field must be greater than the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
** '''Greater Than or Equal To (>=)''' - The data in the selected field must be greater than or equal to the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
** '''Less Than (<)''' - The data in the selected field must be less than the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
** '''Less Than or Equal To (<=)''' - The data in the selected field must be less than or equal to the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
** '''Text Begins With''' - The data in the selected field must begin with the 'Selection Value', often used with text (postcodes, address line or notes).
** '''Text Contains''' - The data in the selected field must contain the 'Selection Value', often used with text (postcodes, address line, notes or email address).
** '''Text Does Not Contain''' - The data in the selected field must not contain the 'Selection Value', often used with text (postcodes, address line, notes).
** '''IN (this,this,this)''' - a set of any required values, separated by commas, for example, Smith,Jones,Williams would find everyone whose surname was any one of these three.
* '''Selection Value''' - Where you enter the values to be used in the argument/query.  This may have been auto completed by the selection of the 'Field Name', which you can change by clicking the 'Change Selection' button.
Once you have created a line you can add a new line by clicking the 'Save Details' button.  If you wish to remove a line then set the 'Field Name' to '(No Field Selected)', when saving the line will be deleted.  Once you have finished specifying the criteria click on the 'Save and Close' Button.
You can now set up rules for the data extraction.
=Existing Definitions=
To edit click on the name of the definition you wish to change.
To change a [[Field Sets| Field Set]] linked to the definition (export to spreadsheet only) click on the name of the displayed Field Set.
To run an existing definition click on the button on the right hand side:
* '''Export to Spreadsheet'''
* '''Send to Blue Folder Lookup'''
You have -
=Orgs & People Extract for Assessment Documents=
It is also possible to use Microsoft Orgs & People Extract to create assessment documents.  
* '''Condition''' - choose WHERE, AND or OR (only WHERE will be available on the first line)
The following video explains how this can be done.  
* '''Field name''' - choose the field name you want to look at
* '''Selection Criteria''' - choose criteria as shown:
* '''Selection Value''' - you will be prompted for the value when you select the field name. Selecting the "Gender" field will show the following popup:
So choosing to only extract females would be set up like this:
Clicking "Save Details" will save that line and give the option to add another line. Choosing to extract only females over 55 would look like this:
Using -
* Condition AND
* Field name "Age Range"
* Selection Criteria "IN (this, this this)"
* Selection Value "55 to 64, 65 to 74, 75 to 84, 85 to 94, Over 95"
''The "Field Name" will control what type of data you are allowed to enter. For example "Forename" or "Address" will accept text, whereas "Postal District" will require a selection of districts from data already held in Charitylog.''
You do not necessarily have to make any selection criteria. If you leave the selection criteria blank, the extraction will simply look at all possible organisations or people.
Once you have selected the relevant rules, if any, click "Save and Close" to save the query and proceed to step 2.
===Step 2: Choose What To Print===
Click the "Choose What To Print" button.
This will display a screen with all available fields on it. Simply tick the ones that you want to be displayed.
* Note that you don't need to extract fields that you have already narrowed down to one possibility - for example, there is no point extracting "Gender" if your selection criteria are only to extract people where Gender=F.
* Note that you may want to extract names if you need to identify the organisations or people - if you do not select names for export, and apply the data extraction to a report without name data, you will not know who the organisations or people are.
* Alternatively, do not select names if you want the report to be anonymous! You may well already need to manually delete names and addresses from a spreadsheet to anonymise it - don't put names in the data extraction too; you will only need to delete them twice.
The screenshot shows name, forename and title selected.
Once you have made your selections, click the "Save and Close" button.
===Step 3: Export The Results===
At this point you will be returned to the main Data Extraction screen. You can now click the "Save and Close" button, or the "Export the Results" button to run the data extract on your full database. So using the scenario above - having chosen to export females over 55, with name, forename and title data;
* Clicking "Export the Results" will create a spreadsheet like this:
On its own, this is not much use, but when put together with another report, this data extraction can perform a useful function, namely -
* ''Discard all of the people in this report's output who are not females over 55, and show me the name, forename and title of all of the remaining people.''

Latest revision as of 11:50, 3 September 2024

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Orgs & People Extract Menu.png


The Orgs & People Extract function is used to create definitions for reporting or as a data source for mail merging in another application, e.g. Microsoft Excel/Word. They can be used in 2 ways:

1) Directly from the Contact Management menu, for exporting people regardless of the kind of work you've done with them.

2) Via a blue folder in a report, for instance to extract everyone who's had a contact in a particular project.

For saved Extracts, you must set a set a Lawful basis for this to function. The June 2024 version made specifying a lawful basis compulsory for using this feature. An audit of the basis, e.g. consent or legitimate interests, may be logged against each person whose details are extracted.

The below video gives an overview of how they can be used.

Running an Extract

To run an existing extract, ensure the Lawful basis has been selected, then choose from either Send to Blue Folder or Extract to Spreadsheet. You can always click on an extract to check or edit the options.


Creating a Orgs & People Extract

To edit an existing definition, click on the name on the left or to create a new one click the 'Create New Orgs & People Extract' button. On the following screen you will be able to configure:

Branch Reporting Section (requires Branch Module)

In this section you can specify to report on records in;

  • All Branches
  • Selected Branches
  • Selected Branch Groups (views)

Report Type Filters


  • Definition Name - If you are saving the extract it would make sense to give it a specific name so you can easily distinguish it from the others.
  • Description -optional, but allows you to add a detailed description of the filters etc.
  • Export Function - You can either send to Blue Folder Look up for additional options, or extract direct to Spreadsheet
  • Spreadsheet Name - if you are exporting to spreadsheet, you can preset the name
  • Field Set - This allows you to choose which fields will be included in the extract. Note you must set up the field set first.
  • Exclude anonymous and anonymised people/organisation records - will be set to Yes as a default. You could choose to include anonymous records for the extract.
  • Export active people/organisation records - Will default to Yes, but you could decide to export inactive records also.
  • Include this extract in mail-merge merge audit? - will default to Yes. but you could opt to not include in the mail merge audit. Especially if this extract is for reporting purposes and not mail merge.
  • Apply contact preferences for emails? -
  • Apply contact preferences for letters? -
  • Lawful Basis - You will be required to specify the basis by which this extract is being run. You will need to choose from one of the following: Consent, Contract, Legal Obligation, Legitimate Interests, Public Task, Vital Interests. Lawful basis still needs to be applied as the extract may be used for mail merge and/or other communication systems.

Consent Based Extracts

If you choose Consent as the lawful basis, you will see the below option. You will then be required to specify which consent rule should apply. This means it will only extract records where there is a valid response to that consent rule. It will also ignore records where that consent has expired.


Who to Include/Exclude

Mail Merge Orgs Types.png

In this section you will find the list of People and Organisation types you are using on your system. The names displayed are the ones specified in Customise Orgs & People. For each record type you can choose one of the following options:

  • Who to Include - This will include this record type when running the definition.
  • Who to Exclude - This is to exclude a record type when running the definition. If a person/organisation is set to more than one record type, the exclude will not use this record for the include.
You wish to send a mail out to staff and a second mail out to volunteers.  You do not want to send anyone two mail outs.  The staff mail out is only set to include staff, the second mail out would be set to include volunteers and exclude staff.  Anyone that is both a staff member and volunteer would only be included in the staff mail out.

Organisation & People Filters

Note: The Orgs & People Extract excludes deceased people by default.

If you require to report on deceased clients, you will need to specify this using the Extra Criteria to set "Deceased = Y OR Deceased = N"

Mail Merge Extra Criteria.png

The extra criteria section allows you to add conditions (arguments/queries) to the records being exported. These arguments/queries can include items, such as "only people in a certain location or a certain client type based on demographic data". This section will display the number of arguments/queries setup in the criteria.

To add or edit the criteria click on the 'Add Extra Criteria' button.

The criteria page will always start with a line with the condition set to 'WHERE'.

  • Condition - The first condition will always be set to where, this is the start of the argument/query. You can add multiple lines to the argument/query using the following conditions:
    • AND - This is in addition to the first line. The system will find data based on the first line and the second line.
    • OR - This will look at the first line to match data or match data based on the second line.
Example for AND
Looking for people in specific town that have any disability.
Where 'Town' = 'Town Name' AND 'Has Disability' = 'Yes'

Example for OR
Looking for people in two postcode areas, L1 and L2.
Where 'Postcode' text begins with 'L1 ' or 'Postcode' text begins with 'L2 '
  • Field Name - This is a dropdown list of people/org fields that can be used. If you select a field that is populated from a drop down menu you will be display a selection screen where you can select the required values (will imply 'or' for each option), this will populate the 'Selection Value' for you when you click the 'Save Details' button on the pop up screen.
  • Selection Criteria - This is specify the argument/query that is to be used on that line:
    • Equals (=) - The data in the selected field must equal the 'Selection Value'
    • Not Equals (<>) - The data in the selected field must not equal the 'Selection Value'
    • Greater Than (>) - The data in the selected field must be greater than the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
    • Greater Than or Equal To (>=) - The data in the selected field must be greater than or equal to the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
    • Less Than (<) - The data in the selected field must be less than the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
    • Less Than or Equal To (<=) - The data in the selected field must be less than or equal to the 'Selection Value', which would be appropriate for values and dates.
    • Text Begins With - The data in the selected field must begin with the 'Selection Value', often used with text (postcodes, address line or notes).
    • Text Contains - The data in the selected field must contain the 'Selection Value', often used with text (postcodes, address line, notes or email address).
    • Text Does Not Contain - The data in the selected field must not contain the 'Selection Value', often used with text (postcodes, address line, notes).
    • IN (this,this,this) - a set of any required values, separated by commas, for example, Smith,Jones,Williams would find everyone whose surname was any one of these three.
  • Selection Value - Where you enter the values to be used in the argument/query. This may have been auto completed by the selection of the 'Field Name', which you can change by clicking the 'Change Selection' button.

Once you have created a line you can add a new line by clicking the 'Save Details' button. If you wish to remove a line then set the 'Field Name' to '(No Field Selected)', when saving the line will be deleted. Once you have finished specifying the criteria click on the 'Save and Close' Button.

Existing Definitions

To edit click on the name of the definition you wish to change.

To change a Field Set linked to the definition (export to spreadsheet only) click on the name of the displayed Field Set.

To run an existing definition click on the button on the right hand side:

  • Export to Spreadsheet
  • Send to Blue Folder Lookup

Orgs & People Extract for Assessment Documents

It is also possible to use Microsoft Orgs & People Extract to create assessment documents. The following video explains how this can be done.