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''Location in standard build:'' '''''Administration > [[Drop-Down Lists]] > Termination Reasons'''''
The list of Termination Reasons is used when an org/person's involvement with a Project is formally terminated by a user. The "Reason" field appears on the [[Client Project Terminations]] screen.
Termination reasons are used for when a client no longer requires the service provided by the project. Termination is generally used for services offering support rather than just general information or advice. The "Reason" field appears on the [[Client Project Terminations]] screen.

Revision as of 15:24, 1 May 2018

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Termination reasons are used for when a client no longer requires the service provided by the project. Termination is generally used for services offering support rather than just general information or advice. The "Reason" field appears on the Client Project Terminations screen.

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Creating or editing Termination Reasons

Click on the menu item to see the list of Termination Reasons set up on your system, if there are any. Click on "Create New Reason" to create a new one, or click the name of an existing option to edit it.

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You can now enter the following information:

  • Reason
  • Use As Reason For Marking Someone As Deceased? - if set to "Yes", this reason will be available on the Client Deceased page.
  • Display Order
  • Active? - whether this option is available for use on the system or not

Click "Save Details" when you have entered all of the required information.

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Reporting outputs

Data entered against the list of Termination Reasons is available:

  • On the Terminations Report
  • In the KPI Report Designer - it is shown on the details results for all of the "Number of Terminations..." reports

Rob Kay - manual author (talk) 15:43, 5 May 2015 (BST)