User Access Management

From Charitylog Manual
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Since Charitylog is based online, and the whole organisation has access to the information stored on it, it is important that user access is well controlled.

We suggest that it is a good idea to be as lenient with access as possible, and to trust staff as much as possible. If you try to tightly control every single user with a set of complicated rules about what they can and can't see, it is likely to lead to an awful lot of extra work for administrators. However, there is plenty of control if you need it. Ultimately the degree to which you control access is entirely up to you.

There are three ways to limit user access within Charitylog.

Limiting access for particular users

Click on the "Users" link in the "User Settings" submenu (Administration > Security > User Settings > Users).

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This will show you the list of users on your system. Click on the name of a user to edit their individual settings. Across the top of the resulting screen are three tabs which contain the settings around what this user can see and do.

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System Access tab

This tab contains general, system-wide preferences, as follows.

Allowed to Merge Records?

If set to "Yes", this user will be allowed to merge organisations and people together, as you might need to when a client is entered onto the system twice.

If allowed, the user will see a "Merge Records" link at the bottom of the Client Details screen.

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Allowed to Enter Project Sub-categories?

This preference sets whether or not the user will be able to categorise referrals using Project Subcategories on the Record a Contact screen.

If allowed, the user will see a drop-down list on the Record a Contact screen, as shown.

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Allowed to Delete Uploaded Documents?

This allows users to delete documents that are uploaded to the Client Details screen.

Allowed to Delete Next of Kin Records?

This allows users to delete NoK records

Project Access tab

Personal Tab Access tab

Limiting access by user group

Group Access screen

The Group Access screen allows administrators to control what each User Group has access to throughout the Charitylog system. It is one of the most powerful tools that administrators have in running the system, and is covered in its own document here: Group Access.

Limiting access to a specific document, etc

Uploaded documents

Extension Databases