Quick Start Guide for Administrators

From Charitylog Manual
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I'm an administrator - what will I be required to do?

When we help your organisation implement Charitylog, rather than build and configure the system for you, we help you to do the configuration yourselves, for several reasons -

  1. Throughout the build of the system, you will be able to control how it goes together, ensuring your organisation's needs are met
  2. You will be able to change and adapt the system in the future for your changing needs
  3. When changes are required, this can be done by your staff, for free - instead of having to pay for software development

Building the system in this way also introduces a "heirarchy of help", as this flow chart shows. In the first instance, end users have the online manual to consult. If they cannot find what they need here, they will be able to come to the in-house administrators (possibly via their service manager) before having to contact Charitylog. This has several benefits -

  1. Questions can be answered by someone who knows the organisation properly
  2. Response times are quicker than having to deal with an external IT company
  3. Charitylog's support staff are free to handle more complicated questions, one-to-one

File:Qsadmin chart1.png

As you can see, part of the administration team's ongoing work is to help the end users with the system. When you first implement Charitylog, there will probably be a few questions, but over time the end users will become familiar with the system and are likely to be able to find the help content they need in the manual.

The other part of an administrator's job is to help with the initial setup and implementation of the system.

The first time that the administrators will see the system is on implementation day 1. The aim of this first day is for you to get a good grasp of the Charitylog system, so that you can think about the ways that it will work for you. Day 1 also provides an opportunity for your Charitylog Implementation Consultant to get to know your organisation well.

Day 1

On day 1 you will be shown the basic system, and taught how to:

  • Log in
  • Search for clients (and other types of Organisations or People) and create new ones
  • Record contacts with them
  • View the history of contacts that has happened with them
  • See your outstanding work on the Action List

Depending on your organisation, and the pace of the day, you may well cover more material too.

After day 1

After day 1 your Implementation Consultant will leave you with some tasks to complete before the next day of implementation. These are likely to include setting up some Projects, and amending Drop-DOwn Lists.

What follows day 1 will depend on the needs of your organisation, and will be decided by your Implementation Consultant.

Helpheader small.png

This concludes the Introduction section.

Click to go back to the Administrator Manual.

Click to go to the next section, Projects.