Details Screen

From Charitylog Manual
Revision as of 15:40, 31 July 2014 by Rob Kay (talk | contribs) (Summary tab)
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The Client Details screen

The Client Details screen shows information about the clients on your system. It is arranged into several sections -

  • Main section with tabs
  • Top section - Calendar, Relationships, Print Record, Letters & Communication, Uploaded Docs, Record a Contact
  • Bottom Section - links to data and extension databases

The items in the top and bottom sections have their own pages in this manual, so we will just look at the main section with tabs.


General Details tab

The General Details tab stores basic information about a client - the sort of information you would use to tell one client from another. Many of the fields on this page are driven by Drop-Down Lists, so if you think some of the available options are incorrect (or need adding to), then speak to your system administrators.

File:CDS 2.png

Personal Details tab

The Personal Details tab usually hold the more sensitive/personal information.

File:CDS 3.png

History tab

The History tab shows the activity that has been logged for this client. All actions are visible, and you will be able to see the details of appointments, phone calls and so on. You can update outstanding actions from this screen.

File:CDS 1.png

Summary tab

The Summary tab shows this client's activity too, but summarised by Referral. Think of a Referral as one chain of actions. On the History tab you would see all of the individual actions; on the Summary tab you would only see the chains of actions - so if a client had called for some advice, then come into the office for further information, then had a home visit, and finally been referred to another organisation to deal with the issues raised - on the Summary tab, you would only see one line representing this chain of actions.

Outcomes can also be updated from the Summary tab.

File:CDS 4.png

Projects tab

The Projects tab shows which of the projects and services in your organisation the client is involved with.


Risk Assessment tab

The Risk Assessment tab is for users to log simple risks to do with the client. This is not intended for long and involved risk assessments; rather, it is for things that a member of staff going to visit the client might need to know. For example, in the screenshot, Mr Abrams lives on the sixth floor of a building and there is no lift, so a staff member would know not to go with a heavy bag of paperwork, etc.
