Orgs & People Extract

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Location in standard build: Reports > Data Extraction/Mail Merge

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Data Extractions provide a way to export data about organisations/people stored on the system. You can choose:

  • which types of organisation/person you want information about
  • whether to filter these people (for example, only display people who live in a certain district)
  • whether to output the data directly to a spreadsheet, or to a Blue Folder Lookup

Creating a Data Extraction which produces a spreadsheet

Click on the menu item to see a list of the Data Extractions currently set up on your system, if there are any. Click "Create New Export" to create a new one.

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Choose who to extract

Click on the "Who To Extract?" tab.

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You can now choose the different Types of organisations/people to show details for. For each Type, there are three choices:

  1. Include. If a Type is included, then details about any organisation/person with that Type will be shown on the output spreadsheet. For example, if you set "Include Clients?" to "Include", the output will show details about all the Clients.
  2. Exclude. If a Type is excluded, they will not be shown, and this will override any includes. For example, if you set "Include Clients?" to "Include" and set "Include Volunteers" to "Exclude", the output will show details about all the Clients unless they are also Volunteers, in which case their details will not be shown.
  3. Not Relevant. This setting simply means that that Type will not affect the output; organisations/people with only that Type will not be shown, but organisations/people with that Type as well as another one will not be excluded either.

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Name and other basic details for the data extraction

Click on the "Selection Criteria" tab.

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You can now enter the following details:

  • Definition Name
  • Description - once you have set up a Data Extraction, you will be able to save it and then return to it and run it again by just clicking a "run" button. This description will be displayed on the list of Data Extractions, so it's helpful to put a quick description of what the data extraction will produce.
  • Name for "Save As" - when the system produces a spreadsheet for you to download, this will be the name of the file (appended with the date and time that the file was created). If you do not enter anything, the file will be named "excel_output" followed by the date and time of creation.
  • Destination - select "Export to Spreadsheet" (the other options will be covered later).
  • Send letters or emails (based on 'preferred method of communication')? - only relevant for letter creation, not spreadsheets
  • Suppress Letters When Client Requests It? - setting this to "No" will override the field on the Contact and Consent Rules page.