Email settings for sending emails

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Location in standard build: Admin menu > 3rd Party Software > Email Setup

File:Cl ESfC 1.png

There are various places in Charitylog where email can be used - for example, on the Details Screen, email addresses can display an "envelope" icon which will create an email to the relevant person. The "Email Settings for Charitylog" page controls various options for the way that this process happens.



Use email service with Charitylog

Simple yes/no option. Setting to "No" will mean that the envelope icon does not display on Details Screens, for example.

Sending email address for organisation

This is not editable here - it is copied over from the "Email Address (Main)" field on the System Details page.

Use external email client (e.g. Outlook)

Choose whether to generate the email within Charitylog (either using Charitylog's SMTP server or your own SMTP server), or have the system create mailto links to open your own email program.

Email footer (company information) legal text

This text will appear at the bottom of emails generated by the system. The Companies Act 2006 requires all of your business emails to include the following details if you are a Ltd, plc or LLP:

  • Company's registered name
  • Company registration number
  • Place of registration (e.g. Scotland or England & Wales)
  • Your registered office address

Use SMTP Servers

Choose whether to use Charitylog's SMTP server, or enter details for your own SMTP server. If you choose the latter, the section below will expand to let you enter all the relevant details.


Other information on this page

The page also has links to some setup advice for Office 365, G Suite and Mimecast.

Rob Kay - manual author (talk) 16:21, 9 November 2017 (GMT)

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