KPI Report Designer

From Charitylog Manual
Revision as of 10:06, 9 April 2018 by Rduheaume (talk | contribs) (Classification Codes)
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The KPI (Key Performance Indicators)report designer allows you to quickly and easily design a report with key statistics from your projects including referrals, contacts, terminations, attendances and some outcomes. The report designer is broken down into 4 key steps (step 4 for advanced analytics).

  • Step 1 - Choosing an existing report, creating a new report and module refinements.
  • Step 2 - Selecting the required indicators.
  • Step 3 - The Report.
  • Step 4 - Drilling down on the data, mail merges and extracting data (Blue Folder Lookup).

Step 1

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On this step there are various tabs and options available

Existing Reports Tab

The 'Existing Reports' tab displays any report templates save during step 2. To run a save report simply specify the report start and end dates and click run. This will display the report on screen jumping straight to step 3. The export summary will create a spreadsheet version of the report. To delete the save template click on the red dustbin icon on the right and select delete report. If you wish to make changes to the saved report click on the name of the report which will take you to step 2 where you can add/remove KPI's and re-save the template.

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General Report Criteria tab

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  • Start Date - Specify the start date of the reporting period.
  • Start Date - Specify the end date of the reporting period.
  • Project - You can select all active projects using the top option, a single project or multiple projects (select the 1st project and hold down the Ctrl button on the keyboard whilst selecting additional projects, release when done)
  • Project Subcategories - If you have subcategories for your projects they will be display in this list. This will add a filter to referral and contact based KPI's only on Step 2.
  • Working Days - Some Blue Folder Lookups may contain data based on working days, to update these click the 'here' link to update the Working Days.

Handyperson Criteria tab (requires Handyperson and Invoice Modules)

On this tab you can select one or multiple cost centres (leave on No Selection By Cost Centre to report on all Handypersons). To select multiple click on the first cost centre, hold down the CTRL button on your keyboard whilst clicking on further cost centres. The selected cost centres will be then used as a filter on the Handypersons Tab on Step 2.

Branch Reporting (requires the Branch Module)

On this tab you can specify to report on;

  • All Branches
  • Selected Branches
  • Selected Branch Groups (views)

The selected option will apply this filter to all KPI's on Step 2

Age Band Check button

The 'Age Band Check' button (at the bottom of the page) will update all records on the system, updating the Age Band and School year fields. This is required to be run if you are running any reports that are project based that included the Age Band (either an Age Band KPI or Data extraction from Step 4).

To run and age band update click the 'Age Band Check' button and then continue on the following page;

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This can take from seconds to minutes depending on the number of records on your system. Whilst it is running you will see the below screen will an animated indicator.

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When finished you can click the 'Continue' button on the screen below to return to the KPI Report Designer.

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Design New Report button

Click this button will take you to the General Report Criteria tab (see below) to start a new report design.

Continue to Next Step button

When you have entered the required criteria on the General Report Criteria, Handyperson Criteria (if required) and Branch Reporting tabs click the 'Continue to Next Step' button to go to Step 2.

Step 2: Select items to print in the report

On Step 2 you will find a series of tabs with the available KPI's that can be selected. I some case KPI's will be linked to either referrals or by person/organisation. Referral based KPI's are where the results link back to an individual referral made; Number of referrals or number of contacts. Person based KPI's are where the results are calculated from multiple referrals; example being number of clients in the time period. Any person based KPI will omit the referral details on Step 3 as one or many referrals may be included.

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KPI Report Designer tabs


KPIs based on Assessment Forms stored on the system (note: Assessment Forms are deprecated)

Classification Codes

Classification Codes (Age UK Codes for Age UK organisations) are away of collecting contact statistics on support that is required or provided. Per contact you can add multiple tiered codes. This section of the KPI will allow you to report on;

  • Number of Referrals by Classification Code - Numbers of referrals, from new or existing clients, by Classification Code. The number next to the folder shows the number of referrals. The contents of the folder show all the codes that have been entered against each referral
  • Number of Referrals By Classification Code Group - Numbers of referrals, from new or existing clients, by Classification Code Group. The number next to the folder shows the number of referrals. The contents of the folder show all the codes in that group that have been entered against each referral
  • Number of Referrals with Classification Codes Entered - Numbers of referrals, from new or existing clients, with at least one Classification Code Group entered. The number next to the folder shows the number of referrals. The contents of the folder show all the codes that have been entered against each referral


Generally the "Accessing Service" KPIs look at whether someone has a Contact within the date range specified; if someone has more than one Contact, they will still only be counted/shown once.

Clubs & Clinics

KPIs related to attendance at Clubs and Clinics.


KPIs based on Contacts. Contact-based KPIs may show people more than once (because people may have more than one Contact in a time period).

Funded Jobs

KPIs related to the (deprecated) Funded Work module


KPIs related to Handyperson jobs and referrals

In Project

KPIs related to Client-Project Records. See The Client-Project Record.


These KPIs look at referrals to Projects. If someone was referred to a Project for the first time in the date range specified, they will be shown on this report.


KPIs related to Referral data.


KPIs for specific Charitylog customer groups.


KPIs related to the Support Worker Module.


KPIs based on data from the Volunteer Job Card Assignments feature.

Raw Data

large spreadsheet outputs typically including all data from a particular section.


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Once you have selected the KPIs you want, there are three options to take.

  1. You can click the "Export Summary" button, which will export a spreadsheet with the resulting numbers on (note that these will only be numbers, and will not show the clients behind the numbers - so if you have selected "Number of new referrals", and there are 367, you will simply get a spreadsheet output with the number "367" in it, along with details of the associated date range and projects).
  2. You can continue to see the resulting numbers, using the "Continue to Next Step" button. The "Next Step" will open in a new tab.
  3. You can save the report for later use (but you will probably want to do the "Next Step" and check the data first. You can return and save the report afterwards).

What to do if the KPI you want is not available

If the option you need is not listed and you feel it should be, please call our support team on 01989 763 691. Adding KPIs is usually relatively easy, and if there is a KPI you need that we do not currently provide, the chances are that other customers would make use of it too. The support team may be able to suggest another way to obtain the data you need, but it is not uncommon for KPI requests to be included in the next release.

Step 3: View the output (Summary Report Results)

If you choose "Continue To Next Step", you will see a screen like this one.

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In this case, the KPIs requested were:

  • Number of new referrals
  • Number of referrals closed

There were 16 new referrals and 6 closed referrals in the time period specified.

If these numbers give you the data you need, you can print this page, or go back to step 2 (by clicking the "Close Report" button) and export the summary spreadsheet. Alternatively, you may want to change the KPIs you have requested before saving the report.

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Saving reports for future use

Once you are happy with the output, if you want to save this combination of KPIs, you can click the "Save As New Report" button at step 2. You can give the report a name, description (optional), and setting access control by user group:

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Your new report will now be displayed at step 1 when you return to the KPI Report Designer.

Step 4

Blue Folder Lookup

To see the data that makes up the numbers, click on any of the blue folders. The data from the associated total or subtotal will be displayed on the Blue Folder Lookup page. From there, you can cross-reference other data from the system to produce a spreadsheet output, as well as mail merging and showing people on a map.

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