Confirm Work Shifts

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Worker Shifts calculate the start job and end job of each day, this is required to calculate payments Enhanced Mapping module and Travel Rules. Travel rules specify how mileage and travel pay is calculated for 1st jobs, jobs between jobs and the last job in a days shift. Before the shifts are confirmed it is important that you have followed the following steps:

  • Travel Rule Sets have been configured.
  • Contracts have been configured to travel rule sets.
  • The Workers record is set to the contract.
  • The jobs for the shift period have been both confirmed and completed.

To calculate and confirm the shifts enter the required criteria:

File:RW confshifts.PNG

  • Start Date - The first date to include work from.
  • End Date - The last date to include work.
  • For one Roster or all? - Select all workers or a specific person.

Click 'Continue' to calculate and display the shifts.

File:RW shifts.PNG