User Account Details

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Location in standard build: Settings Cog > User Settings > Users

The User Account Details page is where you can change user permissions, as well as create new users in the first place.

What is a User?

A User is someone who can log in to your system. A User is not a different Type of Organisation/Person (like Client, Professional). Anyone with a user account should however have a linked organisation/person record. This can be of any active organisation type, but common ones used are staff, volunteers or support workers. These records can be more than one type, so a user could be both a staff member and a volunteer. Some older user accounts may have an account that is not linked to an organisation/person record. In this case some features will not work, for example, you will not be able to assign actions to anyone who doesn't have Staff or Volunteer record as well as a user account. This can be amended by going to the user details, where there will be the option to link the user to an existing record or create a new one.

There are five tabs that hold information about the User.

General User Details


The General User Details tab holds basic information about the user, such as username/password settings, which Group they are in, and whether they are Active or not.

Referrals/Actions Settings


The Referrals/Actions Settings tab holds information about how the Action List and Details Screen will display for this user.

Website Access tab


The Website Access tab is used to control when the user can access the system.

Project Access tab


The Project Access tab gives control of whether this user will be able to see, and create referrals for, each Project. There is also the option to hide each project in the history tab.

Personal Tab Access


The Personal Tab Access tab controls whether this user will be able to access Personal Details tabs for various types of Organisation/Person.

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